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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Homemade Vick's Vapor Rub

 Homemade Vick's Vapor Rub 

Helps you breathe better when you are under the weather.


1 Cup coconut oil

20 drops eucalyptus oil

10 drops peppermint oil

Mix this up well.

Store in a cool and dry place in a mason jar. 

When needed you can rub on your feet, chest, or under the nose to help open up sinuses.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Quick Tips To Save On Groceries


The number one tip to save on groceries is to get it to where you make less trips to the grocery store. 

Go as few times a month as you can. At least 1 time a week or once a month if possible.

 Buy a freezer and fill it up gradually. When there are sales on items that you know you will use and can be frozen buy as much as you can on your budget and fill the freezer. Even if you just buy 1 item extra that will add up.

If you meal plan this makes it easier. Get out all of the recipes that you plan on cooking for the week and just buy what you need for them that week. Start cooking from scratch. Doing this is fun and usually have leftovers that you can then have later or the next day.

Make lists to take to the grocery store and stick to it.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

A great homemade treat for your Pups!


1 1/2 cup of water 

1/2 oil

2 eggs

3 tablespoons peanut butter 

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 cups flour

1/2 cup cornmeal

1/2 cup oats 

Blend the liquid ingredients together.

Whisk the dry ingredients together and then mix into the wet ingredients to form the dough.

Roll and use a bone shaped cookie cutter.  

Place on a cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.

Turn off the oven after 20 minutes and allow the biscuits to cool in the oven until crisp and hard.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Finding Your Way After SHTF


After SHTF You have to be able to find your way around with out GPS, Cell Phones, Etc. I like to have road maps in my vehicles at all times. You never know what might happen. We drove to Canada last summer and my cell phone stopped working! I was so glad that I had thought ahead of time and had printed out maps for several places we thought that we would go. 

You can easily get free road maps by going to states websites and requesting a free tourist guide. They usually send road maps with them. I have gotten road maps for every state this way. They send vacation guides , too. Have found some fun things to do with them. But, the road maps have been the best. I have mine in a small box right now, but I am wanting to get a plastic tote to put them in to keep them dry. 

Having topographic maps can be helpful. Try to find as many type of maps that you can. I have several types for Indiana. Ones that show all of the waterways. That I thought might come in handy.

Being able to get around and know where you are going in an emergency could safe your life. A good compass will help you, also. You might not have a map or just not be able to get to them to use so have a good compass that you can wear around your neck.

 If you think ahead now , then when SHTF or there is an emergency you will be able to get around easily .

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Get Better Sleep


Getting a good amount of deep sleep on a regular bases is needed for good health. Here are some ideas to ensure that you can get the sleep that you need for overall health. Getting good sleep will help you think better and be more prepared to handle stressful situations. 

Try to follow a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed around the same time every night and awake at the same time. Have a routine before you go to bed. 

Make sure that you have no sources or noise or light that could disrupt your sleep.

Cut down on caffeine later in the day. 

Avoid eating any heavy meal or food right before bed.

Avoid alcohol. It can interfere with restorative deep sleep.

Have a daily exercise routine. Not immediately before bed. But earlier in the day.

Avoid using any devices close to your bedtime. They emit a blue light that suppresses the secretion of melatonin. ( This is the one thing that I am having a hard time with. My dog wakes me up in the middle of the night to go out and I pick up my phone! Then I find that I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I am trying to keep my phone in another room so I can fight that urge to get on it in the middle of the night.)

Use Lavender essential oils before bedtime. Get an Aromatherapy Diffuser to use in your bedroom before bed. I would turn it off right before you get in bed. Try to use it about an hour before bed.

Or maybe use bath products that have lavender in them. Lavender has been linked to improved sleep quality.

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