Get Better Sleep | Prepared For Survival - Food Storage & Preparedness

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Get Better Sleep


Getting a good amount of deep sleep on a regular bases is needed for good health. Here are some ideas to ensure that you can get the sleep that you need for overall health. Getting good sleep will help you think better and be more prepared to handle stressful situations. 

Try to follow a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed around the same time every night and awake at the same time. Have a routine before you go to bed. 

Make sure that you have no sources or noise or light that could disrupt your sleep.

Cut down on caffeine later in the day. 

Avoid eating any heavy meal or food right before bed.

Avoid alcohol. It can interfere with restorative deep sleep.

Have a daily exercise routine. Not immediately before bed. But earlier in the day.

Avoid using any devices close to your bedtime. They emit a blue light that suppresses the secretion of melatonin. ( This is the one thing that I am having a hard time with. My dog wakes me up in the middle of the night to go out and I pick up my phone! Then I find that I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I am trying to keep my phone in another room so I can fight that urge to get on it in the middle of the night.)

Use Lavender essential oils before bedtime. Get an Aromatherapy Diffuser to use in your bedroom before bed. I would turn it off right before you get in bed. Try to use it about an hour before bed.

Or maybe use bath products that have lavender in them. Lavender has been linked to improved sleep quality.


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