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Friday, March 2, 2012

Massive band of storms wrecks Ind. towns, kills 3 - Yahoo! News

Massive band of storms wrecks Ind. towns, kills 3 - Yahoo! News

I am so sick - still have family that we can't get ahold of and we cannot get out of our town into this area to see if they are alright.

Getting Ready For Severe Weather

I am in Indiana and we have a huge track of possibly severe weather headed our way. I am trying to get prepared for it the best that I can. Last tornado season I had cleaned out a closet in the center of the house to be a safe room. But, over the winter I have stored stuff in it. So I am just putting a radio and stuff I will need or could need in the hallway. I also have pillows & blankets to cover ourselves with for more protection. Also have a charged up cell phone. We have no land-line so I have had my cell on charger all night so that I would be prepared for today.
Hope that everyone is safe!!

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Baby Needs A Disaster Kit Too!

72 Hour Kits and Disaster Kits For Babies

If you have an infant or a toddler at home, consider including these items as you put together your disaster and 72 hour kits for your family:

Instant formula. Make sure to buy the kind you do not need to mix with water. Also, track expiration dates and rotate through them frequently.

5 small bottles for the formula. You can fill them with purified water to provide extra drinking water in your kit.

Refrigerated bottle bag. This is helpful in case you get the chance to warm up or cool down the formula you can keep it at that temperature for around 4 hours.

Plenty of diapers. The exact number needed depends on the age of your child. I recommend including about 20 disposables and also 3 cloth ones that can be washed, dried and reused in case you run out.

A travel package of wipes. These are great for washing as well. If you have space I'd recommend just storing a full box of wet wipes.

Pacifiers. Put in two just in case. If you're stressed the baby will probably be stressed and it's a comfort for them.

3 cotton/flannel wraps, and 2 muslin wraps.

Baby food. Depending on the age of your child you will probably want to include some jars of baby food. Once your baby can eat mostly regular foods just pop these out of your kit.

Washcloths. Stored around 10 small ones, it's an eventuality, you'll require them at some point.

Small comfort toy/s. If you child has a specific toy or blanket that he/she really loves, try to grab that in an emergency. But if you can't, then try to have a usable substitute that will help comfort the child in lieu of their favorite item.

Clothes - and plenty of them! This is a tough one as babies grow so fast. One trick I recommend is that as you swap out their closets to put in the next size of clothes to remember to do that in the disaster kit at the same time. Make sure to include clothes for all types of weather and include lots of spares.

Ziplock bags. These work great for storing used diapers or anything else that is dirty, or clean for that matter.

Bulb nose syringe and saline. Saline loosens mucous and syringe sucks water/mucous/misc out of ears, nose, mouth etc. You never know if you'll need one so it's great to keep in your kit.

Infant tylenol/motrin. It never fails that kids get sick as soon as you are somewhere WITHOUT your medicine. So this is a definite requirement for any child disaster kit.

Desatin or other diaper rash cream and travel-sized baby powder. The last thing you'd want in an emergency situation is a sore bum and nothing to treat it with. This will be especially useful if you have to resort to using cloth diapers.

The most important thing to remember is to always be thinking about what is appropriate for your child's age and stage of development. For example, if your child is no longer drinking bottles then there is no reason to keep formula in your disaster kit.

Visit my blog Food Storage Made Easy for some more great resources about 72 hour kits and food storage in general.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Many Ways To Wash Clothes Off-Grid

Since it is getting warmer and I can now hang my clothes outside to dry , I have been thinking of the many ways that you can wash clothing Off-Grid. There are a few different ways to make sure that you have clean clothing in an emergency. You have several ways to do it while Surviving Off Off-Grid. I have highlighted several of the ways over the last few years.
Hand-Crank Washing Machine

The Laundry Pod

The $6.50 Washing Machine

The bicycle washing machine from The Colony is one of my favorite ideas.

Another great way I just seen was to use a Commercial 5-Gallon Salad Dryer. They are more sturdy and a lot bigger that the cheap salad spinners you can get for home use.

I also am wanting to get one of these Washboards for smaller loads, like socks and underwear.

As you can see there are many ways to keep your clothing clean in a SHTF situation.

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