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Sunday, July 31, 2011

99 Bags Of Beans On The Wall....

Well not quite, but 22 bags of beans have been added to my stockpile. I took our 25 pound bag of baby Navy beans that I got from Honeyville and bagged them into 1 pound bags ( some are a little bit over) using my FoodSaver V2040 Vacuum-Packaging Systemand have them now stored away for when we want to use them. I have been storing up canned hams and TVP ham. So this is a pretty good idea for storing foods. Beans are very good for you. It did not really take me too long to do this. I still have a 20 pound bag of 15 bean mix that I am wanting to do this with also. Maybe sometime in the next week.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Getting Ready To Home School

I have been actually teaching our little one ever since he was born, but this year I have REALLY gotten serious about it. Been buying school books, writing paper, flash cards, chalk board, etc. Everything that a 4 year old should have to be home schooled. His birthday falls to late to be put into the Kindergarten here. Which I am really glad about. I planned on home schooling him even when I was pregnant with him. I home schooled his older brother and sister, and they are doing great. My daughter graduates college this year and my son graduates high school this year. So I must have done something ok. You just have to know that every child learns in a different manner. My daughter had to be shown, but my son had to listen and hear the stuff. My little one now has taken to number very quickly - counting , adding , subtracting like crazy, but he is having trouble with letters and writing. Not sure why. Trying to figure it out so that he can learn them better. He knows his ABC's , but has not taken to letters like he did numbers. Maybe he will grow up to own a bank. LOL Just takes time to home school. It is not easy, it is truly a a labor of love.
It does not have to cost a lot of money either. There are many low-cost courses online for assistance, but if your more traditional, you can use the library". You can find other home schooling families in your area and share items. I have also gotten a lot of home schooling books at thrift stores. It can be a low cost thing to home school, if you use your head.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Cooking With Stockpile!! Frugal Meal Idea!!

I made my favorite meal last night for dinner! I call it my own hash! I take a half pound of ground beef, slice some potatoes, add onion - put it all into a frying pan and let it cook until beef is done and potatoes are tender. Sometimes I have sour cream that I add to it. Sometimes I even add cream cheese if I have it. It is really cheap , simple , and yummy. I have made it for years. I have a can of TVP beef that I am going to use the next time to see how good it is with that. Shouldn't be too bad.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Someone is Stealing Our Tomatoes...

I had noticed a week ago that we had a bunch of cherry tomatoes on our plants out by the shed and was getting excited about that. Dreaming about what I can do with all of them and how good they would be. I noticed the past couple of days that there have been fewer and fewer tomatoes on the plants and none on the ground. So I figured that someone is stealing them!! Found out last night that I am right , someone is stealing them!! DEER!! Son came home late from swimming at a friends and there was a momma and baby deer up there just snacking away on our tomatoes. So, first off - I am not crazy. I knew that the tomatoes were disappearing. Second - what do I do about it??? I have other tomatoes plants up in front of the house that are not being touched as far as I can tell. My husband says to let them eat the ones out by the shed because maybe sooner or later with the way things are going in America , that we might be needing them for meat!! I guess he is right about that. Better stock up on some deer slugs.

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