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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why Can't I Bake Bread??

I have tried and tried to make home made bread and it just will not come out right. I can't get it to rise or bake good. Just is flat. What am I doing wrong???? I knead and do everything exactly as all of the recipes that I have tried and none of them work for me. I want to be able to make bread from scratch, but I am about ready to give up!!


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Friday, May 6, 2011

My Small & Humble Garden

It is a real small garden - about 3 feet by 10 feet is all that I have space for. But me and my little one got it all cleaned out and turned over. Than we planted our seeds. He picked out Green Pepper, Cherry Tomatoes, Brussel Spouts, Zuchinni, Baby Corn, and Green Beans!! I think that for being 4 years old , he picked some great veggies to grow in our small garden!! I need to go and get some stakes and tomato cages so that when it all starts to grow we will be ready. Last year all that we planted there was tomatoes and green peppers. The tomatoes took over and we had thousands of cherry tomatoes!! My little one had just thrown the whole package of seeds. LOL This time I actually planned and only put in a few seeds. I think that it should produce good. I have some ideas for doing a couple of raised gardens out behind the shed that I want to work on this weekend. It is not supposed to rain too much. That is why I am so late getting this garden ready. Everytime I would plan on working and getting it done, A huge storm would blow in!! I also have strawberries inside in a huge pot and another huge pot that has Baby Cucumbers!! I can't wait until it all is grown and we are eating it all!!!!!!

Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener's Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Radiation Network

Radiation Network
This is a great site that shows some of the network of counters for radiation.

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Dear Friends, Hi, I'm Jeff Davis, owner and founder of The Ready Store. After almost 10 years of running my disaster preparedness business, I have finally found the perfect solution to your food storage and emergency supply needs! Do you find yourself facing any of the following problems? • Trying to become prepared for emergencies but not knowing how much food, water, or storage space you'll need. • Getting frustrated with the lack of information about all the options you have when it comes to food storage. • Having enough food for your family, but not having enough space to store it in. • Worrying about your food storage rotting or going bad without you noticing until it's too late. • Feeling skeptical about whether your government (local or federal) will really be able to help you when the system collapses. Survival Kits Are you asking any of these questions? • How can I prepare for an emergency without breaking my budget? • Is there a way for me to provide for each member of my family's specific tastes and nutritional needs? • Can I simplify and streamline my emergency preparations down to just one or two steps? • Will any business out there just be honest with me about what products I'm getting and exactly what that will do for me? • How will I take care of my family when more conventional means—like grocery stores or even governmental assistance—are not an option? If so, click here for the ultimate solution for how to take care of your family—before you run out of time! SEEDSAFE

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Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to share more information and get closer to getting my family totally off-grid and on our own piece of land. This will let me share more and more information to allow , hopefully, for you to become more self-sufficient and able to become more prepared by reading my blog and purchasing items that I share with you that will help you. Thank you! :)