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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Food Storage Recipe - Hobo Breakfast

Hobo Breakfast. Foil Packet for a great meal. Great for camping or just grilling out in your backyard.


 ● 3 sliced scallions

 ● 1 packet (16 oz.) thawed frozen shredded hash browns 

● ¼ cup olive oil 

● 1 tsp. salt 

● ½ tsp. black pepper 

● 3 cups washed baby spinach 

● 6 eggs

 ● ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese 

Let’s Cook: Cut 12 strips of Foil (12” x 16”) and 6 strips of parchment paper of the same size. 

Put each sheet of parchment paper on top of a piece of Foil.

 In a mixing bowl, combine your potatoes, sausage, salt, pepper, oil, and scallions together.

 Portion the mixture out between the six pieces of parchment paper, keeping the mixture in the center of each piece of paper. 

Top each ingredient pile with another sheet of Foil and wrap the edges of the foil pieces together to form a foil packet.

 Put your closed foil packets on top of your hot coals of the campfire or on top of your grill. Cook for 5 minutes. 

 Check the ingredients in one foil packet to see if they are cooked through.

 If they aren’t cooked through, continue to cook in 5-minute increments until done.

 When done, remove the packets from the coals or grill and put them onto a plate so that you can open them.

 Once open, divide your spinach between each packet and crack one egg on top of each pile of spinach. 

Season each egg with salt and pepper before sealing each packet and returning to the hot coals or grill. Cook for 5 minutes or until the egg is cooked through.

 Once your egg is cooked, plate each opened packet and sprinkle with cheese!

Add a little kick to this recipe by adding chopped jalapenos to your hash browns and using pepper jack cheese. Alternately, you can just use southwestern seasoned hash browns!


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