For some reason I could see myself doing this. Not sure how good it would be for little ones, but if I was single I would so do this.
The information that follows is based upon my own experiences living on the road, dating back to just after World War II. If you can imagine yourself in any of the following categories, this book is for you!
Save on Your Rent Payment
In hard times, one of the best ways to cut expenses quickly and for as long as you need relief, is to stop paying rent. True, even an old truck or cargo trailer will cost something, but often these pay for themselves in less than a year. A bonus is that when you sell it, you may get the major part of your money back.
Low-Cost Vacations
The cost of lodging, even on a three-week vacation, can easily run up to $2,000 or more. However, if you’ve got a light-weight fiberglass or converted cargo trailer—set up for cooking—even a two or three month holiday may be affordable.
Permanent living
Tens of thousands of Americans and Canadians live full time in a motorhome. There are prices for all budgets, from just over $2,000 to well over $1,000,000!
High Adventure
Travel up the Alaska Highway—a trip you will never forget!
Personal Privacy
The quickest way to assure yourself of total privacy is to travel in a van, trailer, truck or motorhome. This is called Travel on the QT.
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