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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Introducing the NEW Educents Marketplace

Introducing the NEW Educents Marketplace

 I just received an email from the founders of Educents, K ate and Kaitlyn, with some really exciting news. Until today, Educents was a website f or parents and educators to take advantage of daily deals. But those deals expired. .. And there were only 50 deals available at once... I wanted saving money to be even EA SIER. Kate and Kaitlyn agreed. So they created the new Educents Marketplace. It’ s even easier to discover affordable educational resources that make learning FU N! 168b9eb3-ef68-4b42-80a4-f3aa5cf66646  
Thousands of new products - Educents Sell ers can now offer ALL of their bestsellers on the new Educents Marketplace. There' s a wide variety of worksheets, lesson plans, educational apps and toys. Shop The Young Scientists Club, Scholastic, Workman Publishing, Alpha Omega Publishing, Life of Fred books, hundreds of printable units created by educators, and more !
Offers that NEVER expire - Sellers can offer our favorite educational products year-round. Once a deeply discounted Dai ly Deal expires, you can still find that product available on Educents at the low est price. Discovery - It's easier to search on Educe nts. Search for your kiddos' interests like Minecraft or Frozen-inspired resources, an d then sort by grade level, subject, brand, and more! Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 9.36.15 AM
 Follow your favorite brands and Sellers - The “Follow Me” feature lets me add my favorite Sellers to a list. Click the heart on the Seller Storefront. You can also see which Sellers are the most popular with other shoppers! Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 5.59.18 PM The Educents Marketplace is exactly what I want it to be -- the best place for parents and educators to find the resources I NEED at an affordable price.    

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (Survival, Survival handbook, Kids survival)

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (Survival, Survival handbook, Kids survival) was free for the kindle when this post was written.

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (FREE Bonus Included)

BOOK #1: Survival Handbook: Basics for Family Preparedness in a Case of Disaster

This book is a true guide about how to protect your family in the bitter instances of disaster. Well researched and based on the technical ideas and tips regarding how to avoid the dangers of disaster. It is schemed tremendously on the step-wise ideas that how you can handle the situations and how you can keep all & all of your family members safe and secured. Whether it’s your disabled sister or it’s an elderly of your home with a weakened gaze, this book enchantingly facilitate you how you can protect all from the hazardous impacts of catastrophes.
This book is written in a simple language with no jargon words. Any common man can get a real guidance from this book. The bullets are added and the tables are inserted in this book to convey the to-the-point ideas and notions to the readers. This immersive book is covering all the perspectives of disaster, the possibilities of dangers and the wondrous coping strategies.
This notorious book is an excellent motive for the people of weakened hearts who think “disaster as a ruining power”. The core themes inside this book are enough for breaking the irrational beliefs of people that thinks “beings can do nothing in front of disasters”. You can get a maximum potential with enlightening hopes and with utmost chances of success against the negative respective of disasters.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Family preparedness in case of disaster – Why it is mandatory
  • How to avoid bad impacts of disaster on your family’s career
  • A guide about disaster kits
  • 3 basic steps to prepare family disaster plan
  • How to train children in family preparedness in case of disaster
  • What to do for handicapped members in case of disaster
  • Seven

BOOK #2: Survival 101: Complete Handbook to Help You Prepare Your Kids for Wilderness Survival

Survival 101: Complete Handbook to Help You Prepare Your Kids for Wilderness Survival is a book that every parent or guardian will want to have on hand for children who regularly go on hikes and/or camping trips. It is a preventative sourcebook meant to enhance outdoor experience and not to create any fear of it. Be sure to share it with friends, family, and neighbors with offspring. It will also serve as an emergency guide for kids who find themselves in adverse situations. You never know when and where the information will become relevant to your child, and it is advised to read it now and train young ones well ahead of time.

The book contains information on:

  • Typical survival situations
  • How to build a campfire
  • Shelter, food, and water
  • First Aid
  • Developing confidence
  • Proper behavior when away from home

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste was a free book for the Kindle when this post was written.

 DIY Ideas At Home - Make Best Out Of Waste

Here in this book I am going to share with all some creative ideas on how to use old and waste material in your house. You will be amazed to know that you can make useful and creative items from those materials at your home only. I myself tried these ideas and get praised by family and friends. So, I thought to share it with you all. I have made different sections in the book, so that it becomes simple for you. So, before throwing any item from your house, first go through this book, might be you get some idea to re-use that item.
˃˃˃ Why To Grab This Book??

With old and waste items in house, you can make flowers, wreath, show pieces, decorative items and many others ornaments for decorating your house. You can even make very creative and unique items for home like frames, cards, toys, wall hangings from those items. So, don’t threw them, they could be used for decorating your home. Here, in this book I am sharing with you interesting things you can do with old items in your house. Have a look at them.

These creative items you can make from old plastic bottles, old tyres, waste CD's, etc. The best thing is that all the ideas which I shared in this book requires, waste material, scissors, pliers, glue, adhesive, colors, paint brush, and decorative items. So, buy this book and star recycling your waste materials.

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival: The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living (Off The Grid Living, Prepping For Beginners, SHTF Survival)

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival: The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living (Off The Grid Living, Prepping For Beginners, SHTF Survival) was a free kindle book when this post was written.

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival

The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living

There has been a steady retreat in recent years back to a simpler way of living – the old ‘Back To Land’ movement has found fresh stream in the wake of recent economic and ecological upheaval, prompting many individuals, both young and old, to think about alternative methods of sustenance.

By ‘off-the-grid’ we’re talking about independence and self-sustainability, both locally and communally, in all aspects of day-to-day life from preparing dinner to catching your own food to building a garden to washing clothes to making your own alcohol.

For many, the idea of abandoning amenities in favor of the freedom to live according to one’s own vocation can be a bit scary – but for those willing to learn and challenge themselves, the advantages and overall sense of well-being that comes from being truly independent is beyond the scope of words or dollar signs.

This book covers a number of key factors and steps involved in redesigning modern lifestyles according to these ‘off-the-grid’ principles in order to maximize the usage of pre-existing materials without compromising ecological awareness, or relying on external forms of supplementation.

Here is a preview of what you'll learn:

  • Natural food preservation and canning methods
  • Quintessential survival items for off-the-grid living
  • Handy DIY tips and projects
  • Alternative energy sources and application

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wild Forage Cookbook: Wild Game Recipes, Wood Oven Cooking, Garden And Outdoor Adventure!

Wild Forage Cookbook: Wild Game Recipes, Wood Oven Cooking, Garden and Outdoor Adventure! (Volume 1) was a free kindle book when this post was written.

 Anthony Nelson is the publisher of the popular Wild Forage Blog. He started the blog to help demystify the practice of foraging for your own food.

The Wild Forage Cookbook is a compilation of some of the best recipes from his 2014 blog. Anthony is not a professional chef with a degree form a fancy culinary school. He is a home taught cook that loves to experiment with wild game, fresh fish and organically grown vegetables. Anthony will show you how to take these natural ingredients and create delicious meals.

This book contains thirty-four mouthwatering recipes. The preparation of each recipe is explained in detail with pictures to help you through the cooking process. The Wild Forage Cookbook is unique in the fact that it contains more than just recipes. The book includes favorite stories from the field as Anthony fished, hunted, foraged, gardened and learned how to cook using a wood fired oven.

Wild forage is a cookbook that keeps you well fed with both delicious recipes and entertaining tales from the field. After reading the Wild Forage Cookbook, you will feel confident in your abilities to gather wild foods and make a delicious meal!

Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to share more information and get closer to getting my family totally off-grid and on our own piece of land. This will let me share more and more information to allow , hopefully, for you to become more self-sufficient and able to become more prepared by reading my blog and purchasing items that I share with you that will help you. Thank you! :)