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Friday, September 23, 2011

Stockpile On Less Than $30.00 A Week!

We set a goal a while ago to get our house stockpiled with food and supplies to last us at least 6 months. Well - we decided that with our income we could safely do it with $30.00 a week. Each week I make a list of items to get and we cannot spend more than the $30.00! It has worked awesome, much better than we thought that it would! We have only been doing this for a few months and we now have a stockpile that will last a few months. Some weeks I buy #10 cans of freeze dried foods. But, I keep the total under $30.00! This week I ordered 2 #10 cans of the TVP Beef bits from Emegency Essentials - $10.50 a can and the shipping and it was 27.00 ! Each can has 65 servings. Great in Hamburger Helper, chili, soups, and more.
Just make a plan and stick to it. Figure out for yourself how much that you can spend comfortably on your stockpile. PLAN PLAN PLAN

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Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to share more information and get closer to getting my family totally off-grid and on our own piece of land. This will let me share more and more information to allow , hopefully, for you to become more self-sufficient and able to become more prepared by reading my blog and purchasing items that I share with you that will help you. Thank you! :)