Monday, February 3, 2025
DIY Solar Oven
A solar oven is a great to cook off the grid and are easy to make on your own. Not difficult to make and your family will enjoy the fresh and hot meal. It takes about 30 minutes for a solar oven to preheat.
· two cardboard boxes (one large and one smaller)
· black construction paper
· scissors
· aluminum foil
· glue and tape
· staplers
· old newspapers
· a pencil (or a marker)
· plastic wrap.
- First, line the bottom of the large box with well crumbled newspaper. Then, insert the smaller box into the larger one, and fill in the empty side spaces between the boxes with newspaper crumbles.
- Make sure to cover the inside walls of the small box with aluminum foil. You can use invisible tape to glue the edges of the aluminum foil to the edges of the cardboard box.
- Glue the black construction paper onto the bottom of the small box. This will help absorb the heat much better, and your homemade solar oven will be more efficient.
- Next, on top of the large box, you need to lay a large piece of cardboard. Now trace the shape of the box on the board nicely, using a marker. Allow around 2-3 inches on each side around the trace line, and cut the cardboard.
- Now use aluminum foil in order to cover the cardboard. The aluminum foil that is placed over the cardboard must be extremely smooth and without any wrinkles so that it will reflect the light properly. Use invisible tape or glue in order to secure the aluminum foil onto the cardboard. The reflector that you obtained this way should be stapled or glued to the back of the large box.
Now your homemade solar oven is ready, and you need to make sure to place it so that the reflective part is facing the sun directly, for maximum efficiency. You can place just about any type of pot with a glass top that fits into your oven, and start making food using solar energy. You need to be patient however, because it might take even up to 3 or 4 hours until your meal is ready, so make sure to start cooking earlier than usual. If you want to make your cooker even more efficient, place a plastic wrap on top of your oven. Keeps the heat in a lot better with the plastic wrap over it.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Ways To Cook With Your Fireplace
The open fire of your fireplace is a very versatile way to cook. There are many ways to cook with your fireplace and can be a great way to have a heated home and a hot meal when power is out. That one fire can not only give you heat, but you can bake, boil, roast, simmer a stew, and more. Pretty much like a campfire, but this is in your home.
One way to cook is by using a Cast-Iron Trivet
An easy way to roast some meat over the fire is by using a spit. Just impale the meat with the spit and place the meat over the fire to seal in the juices. Then move it further away from the fire and let it slow cook . Make sure that you have a big roasting pan under the meat to catch the dripping juices. Makes it safer and plus you can baste the meat with its juices while it is cooking.
A Reflector Oven
Some other tools to have for fireplace cooking are a hanging griddle, Pie Iron Sandwich Cooker
With all or any of these tools for cooking, you will be able to make great family meals for your family. No worries if a winter storm comes through and wipes out your power.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
15 Low-Tech Drafty Window and Door Fixes for a Cozy Home
15 Low-Tech Drafty Window and Door Fixes for a Cozy Home
If you are living in a drafty house, the good news is that there are lots of low-tech and low-cost options. There are some great DIY ways to keep in the heat and keep the cold out. Keep some wool blankets thrown over the sofa to use for keeping warm.
Friday, January 31, 2025
The Right Way to Make a Bucket Toilet
The Right Way to Make a Bucket Toilet - Primal Survivor
This is something that everyone is going to need! Grab a bucket and some trash bags! Easy to create and will help so much with hygiene. Having a way to take of business will be a lot safer and healthier. Don't want to take any chances.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Learn Some Skills

1. Learn the art of bartering.
2. Learn how to hunt, fish, and trap.
3. You learned how to do the list of above, now learn how to butcher and clean your food.
4 Learn how to raise livestock. Even if all that you have room for are some chickens and rabbits, it will help your family.
5. You have got to learn how to garden. This will be a life-saver.
6. Learn some carpentry skills. There won't be any calling a handy man after SHTF.
7. Learn some basics of engineering.
8. Get yourself into a class for learning CPR and learn some first aid. Knowing emergency medicine can save your life or someone's in your family.

9. Teach yourself some basics of food production. Making your own cheese, butter, and bread can really be helpful and keep your days enjoyable.
10. Get some marksmanship skills.
11. Learn how to make your own ammo. Learn how to make some alternate weapons in case you run out of gun ammo.
12. Some skills in pottery making, sewing, knitting, and wood carving can be a great skill to have. Be able to repair items and make new items that are needed can really help your household go on.

13. Learn all that you can about herbal remedies and how to administer them.Your are not going to be able to run to the corner pharmecy. You can grow the herbs and use them.
14. Everyone in your family has got to learn how to purify water. You have to have clean and drinkable water.
15. Firemaking skills are a MUST! Learning how to build a fire can keep you warm, fed, and clean.
16. It might be a good idea for someone in your family to learn how to make wine or beer.
17. Learn the many ways to be able to cook! Solar cooking, fire, grill, rocket stove, etc. There are many ways to cook without power - LEARN THEM ALL!!!!!!!
18. Being able to make candles will give you light!!
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