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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Some Cool USB powered items

I found this USB fan at a dollar store and it is supposed to be for plugging into a computer , but the neat thing is that it plugs and works off of the Portable Solar Panel Charger and the smaller solar powered USB charger also. So cool.
 Now it is making me want to get all of the USB powered items that I have ever seen LIke:
 USB Camping Lights

  USB Mini Desktop Fan

 There are so many neat things that work off of USB and could make living off-grid so much nicer.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Prepare For A Winter Storm

We had pretty nice weather the last couple of months and now the winter is coming on big time. We are under a winter storm watch and it is time to be prepared for it. I don't agree with people I see in the stores buying up all of the bread and milk. I really do not understand why they would just get that. You need to get canned food and other types of food that would be easy to prepare if your power goes out. Items like, canned chili and beef stew. Serve them with rice or noodles. They can easily be cooked on a camping stove if you had to. Plus , they will fill you up.

Have all of your blankets handy. If you have to keep warm you can close off one room and keep warm. Have a couple of different ways to be able to keep your family warm. You could use a kerosene heater or a Mr. Heater Portable Propane Heater .

Prepare for the winter storm before it gets to you. If you are prepared for it ahead of time than your family will be comfortable during it and have no worries. Be well-fed and not frozen.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Food Storage Recipe - Pizza Roll Ups

 This is such an easy thing to make and very good. Nothing left. 


Flour Tortillas, I used soft taco tortillas

A jar of pizza sauce


Shredded Cheese

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

I sprayed a bit of Pam on the bottom of the baking dish.

Layer pepperoni, cheese, and sauce on a tortilla and roll up.

REPEAT until you have as many as you want.

Put a bit more pizza sauce on top and a layer of cheese. 

Put in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. 



Monday, February 24, 2025

Homemade Cleaning Recipes

You can make your own household cleaners safely, easily, and frugally. They are safer for your family than the chemical laden cleaners that you store buy.

  • All purpose cleaner - 1/2 cup of borax and 1 gallon of hot water. Mix these together until the borax dissolves. Spray or mop on nonwood surfaces. Wipe it clean. 
  • Mildew killer and grout whitener - Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar into a paste. Apply to the grout or mildew and let sit for at least 30 minutes, then scrub.
  • Toilet bowl cleaner - scrub it with 1/2 cup of borax to brighten and kill germs. Also can brush with baking soda and let it sit before you flush. Add white vinegar for an extra fizz to lift out stains.
  • Floor cleaner - mix 1 cup white vinegar and 1 gallon hot water in a bucket and mop floors as you normally would.
  • Soft scrub for counters etc - 1 cup of baking soda, warm water, and 2-3 drops of liquid soap. Combine the water and baking soda into a paste and then add the soap. Apply to surface and let sit for a few minutes. Scrub it with a non abrasive sponge, rinse  , and then wipe off. 
It is easy to make your own cleaners and is so much better for the whole household.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Start Avacodo Trees

I have been saving any avocado seeds I get and any glass jars that we have left from salsa!

All you do is take 3 toothpicks and stick them around the avocado so that it will set on the jar with half in the water.

Keep it filled.

It does take a while for a start to shoot out of it. But , when it does I always wait until the roots are pretty long before I replant it into a pot with potting soil.

A few years ago I had one that got pretty tall, but had set it outside on a hot and humid day, and a stray cat dug it all up.

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