Pinto beans are the most common bean in the USA and are often eaten whole or refried which makes them a great filling for burritos. Eating beans is a good source of fiber and protein and doesn't contain fat, sodium, or cholesterol. A half of a cup of beans is about 120 calories. They are filling and a great alternative to eating meat.
Dry beans will keep indefinitely as long as you store them in a cool dry place. The longer you keep them their nutritive value and flavor will decrease over time. It takes a long time to cook beans, and you should soak the beans first to shorten the cooking time.
1 lb bag of pinto beans
6 cups chicken broth (water)
1 ham hock
1 onion
4 garlic cloves
Salt and pepper to taste
Beans out of a bag need sorting through for rocks or other debris that could come up. Basically, you look through the beans and pick out anything that doesn't look like a bean. Then you wash them well.
If you want them to cook fast, pre-soak them first. I cook my beans in a Crockpot, so I never use the pre-soak method.
Once sorted and cleaned I put in 6 cups of water or chicken broth in the Crockpot.
Put in the beans then cut up the onion and mince the garlic and add to the Crockpot.
Add in the ham hock or whatever meat you season the beans with. I sometimes use smoked turkey as a healthier alternative.
Season the beans with salt and pepper.
I let the beans cook several hours on low inside the Crockpot; about 4 to 6 hours since I like the meat to fall apart.
While the beans are cooking, you can make some hot buttered cornbread to serve alongside the beans.
The great thing about Crockpot's is you don't have to constantly watch your food. You add the ingredients and go watch TV, read or write a book. When the beans are ready grab a bowl full and enjoy the warm cornbread.