This week we added a lot to the food storage! My brother-in-law needed a ride somewhere and he gave us 8 cans of tomatoes, 4 cans of salsa, and some zuchinni. The zuchinni out of his garden and the canned stuff was done by his wife. We bought 4 cans of Keystone chicken, 4 cans of Keystone beef, about 14 cans of different types of beans, a big 110+ servings of oatmeal, 2 5 pound bags of cornmeal, 10 boxes of asst Hamburger Helpers, Sugar, 2 bags whole wheat flour, assorted seasonings, 2 boxes of powdered milk, and other assorted canned goods. I also got a #10 can of taco mix from Emergency Essentials.
Other items we got were a bunch of aluminum foil and those foil pans, medical supplies, batteries, and a few other preps.
Getting the stockpile built up.
You need to also! Get as much food as you can store up. Even 2 cans a week of something to put back will be better than nothing! We had a bonus check this past week that gave us a chance to really add to the stockpile, got new tires for car, and some work done on our van.
Things can get done without going broke. Sell things you don't need on local facebook groups, ebay, have a yard sale, anything to get extra money for preps.