The heat of the Summer sun does strange things to people, who'll often go to great lengths just to feel refreshed. Having a cold shower and sitting inside your house in the cooling air conditioning aside, here's 6 fun ideas to keep cool on a blistering Summer's day:
Swimming. The number one past time to while away a Summer's day. Little can beat a day at a water park if you've got one near you. Or you might be lucky enough to live within walking distance to a public pool, or even luckier enough to have a pool at your house. If so, why not gather some friends together and make a day of it? There are few people who'll refuse the opportunity to have a refreshing dip in a pool on a hot day.
Water fight. We're all children at heart, but it might take the adults in your neighbourhood a bit of convincing before they agree to this one. Water pistols and water balloons are the obvious weapons of choice here, but really anything can be employed such as ice-cream containers, hoses and buckets. There are little rules to a water fight, it's sort of a soggy guerrilla warfare. Encourage passers-by and your community to join in, you may start a street-wide battle. Of course, if you're in an area where water shortage is a problem, this is obviously a terrible idea.
Picnic in a park. Find a shaded area in a forested section of your favourite park and settle down on a rug with a good book or good friends. Eat cold foods and drink and you'll soon be comfortable and calm. It's amazing how effective sitting in the shade is for cooling off.
Frozen treats. Keep your children healthy by keeping them away from ice cream. Frozen ice blocks made of juice or cordial are a delicious Summer treat for children and adults alike. Pour liquid into a glass or cup and cover with tinfoil. push a spoon (or ice cream stick if you have them) through the foil and pop into the freezer. These will obviously need to be made the night before, but are well worth the wait and will keep for weeks.
Ice-skating. Rinks need to be kept at a constant cool temperature, so if you're looking for respite from the heat, this is the place to go. Be aware though that there is often session times you'll have to wait for and going from the freezing rink back into the oppressive heat can be a little disappointing.
Get out and get inside. Heading to an indoor shopping centre is a very effective way of keeping cool. Any indoor space is bound to have a constant cool temperature thanks to air conditioning. Alternatively, you could head to the movies, where you'll sit in comfort in the cool air and not have to think about the heat outside for a few hours.
Keeping cool quickly becomes the most important part of your day sometimes, but it can also be the funnest. Think of the Summer sun as an excuse to have fun and you'll soon be popping with ideas of your own.
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