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Monday, February 28, 2011

Beef Jerky All Over The House!

What does a 17 year old do on a weekend when he has no plans and all of his friends are sick and can't do anything??
They spend the whole weekend making beef jerky, of course!

First he got a few pounds of beef that was already cut into thin strips for stir fry and was on markdown. Got it all for about $6.00 with tax and all. Then he got some new marinade. One that he had used before - a mesquite. Then he got another one that sounded good (and turned out to be VERY good!) -a teriyaki!

He got everything ready and soaking in marinade and then filled up the food dehydrator. 4 trays of the beef jerky!! Turned it on and went back to writing. He checked it every once in a while and moved it around and stuff. When it was done he found a glass jar that I had saved from a jar of beans and put it all in there.

He has gotten quite good at making beef jerky. I love watching him do stuff like that. It makes me proud to be his mom.

Simple: Just Add Water - Outdoor Gourmet Meals - WiseFoodStorage.com

Friday, February 25, 2011

Will Be A Busy Weekend!!!

Finally got my new foot pedal for my sewing machine and will be sewing a ton!! I have not been able to sew in months. I had to save up coupon money to be able to buy this new foot pedal, but it will be worth it. I will be sewing Little Ones summer wardrobe to save money. Little One's shorts are so easy to make. Plus I have some stuff that I want to sew up and use my stash up to try and make some extra money. Just am so happy to have the sewing machine back and have the sewing bug again!!!

I also have to walk to the store tomorrow. That will be fun!! It is supposed to be sunny and about 50 degrees so I won't freeze, but it is just the idea that I have to do it tomorrow because it is supposed to rain all next week and I won't have any other chance. My Fibromyalgia is flaring up and I can hardly move so it will be hard to get up and go tomorrow. But I have too.

It will just be a busy weekend.


Simple: Just Add Water - Outdoor Gourmet Meals - WiseFoodStorage.com

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