Kids Camping Kit - Top 5 Items For Your Kids To Pack For Their Camping Trip | Prepared For Survival - Food Storage & Preparedness

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kids Camping Kit - Top 5 Items For Your Kids To Pack For Their Camping Trip

The top five items for your kids to take with them on their camping trip:
  1. Toys. I don't mean their whole toy collection here, but some books and games which will make your kids feel at home, especially at bedtime.I wouldn't let them take their latest toys or any electronics. Toys have an easy way of getting broke or lost.

  2. Flashlight. A flashlight for night times is crucial. Your children will be out in the open most days so this will make them sleep deeply. To get them to drift off easier a bedside light is great. Often most kids' flashlight double up as a little lamp; this is the best buy in my view.

  3. Disposable camera. This is excellent as it makes your little one feel all grown up by taking their own pictures of their camping adventure, even if they do come out a little wonky or blurry. It is also good as they can then use the pictures for show and tell at school.

  4. Treasure box. By having a little treasure box this can be used for the kids to collect interesting findings on their camping trip. It could be stones they find or pine cones, anything they find of interest which is their own keepsakes of the holiday.

  5. Rucksack. This is another great way to show your child to have their own independence. For trips out on your holiday they can take their own rucksack with their lunch, toys, pencils and crayons etc. it is exciting for children to be able to have their very own bag to keep their important items in.


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