Food Storage Recipe - Easy Fast Spanish Rice Dish | Prepared For Survival - Food Storage & Preparedness

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Food Storage Recipe - Easy Fast Spanish Rice Dish

 This is such an easy meal. 

All you need is a package of Spanish rice mix and about half a can of black beans. You can also add any kind of meat. The one in the picture I had added about 1/3 of a package of chirizo to. 

Place everything in a baking dish with the 2 1/4 cup water. 

Bake until it is thickened up and done. 

Put some shredded cheese on top and place back in oven until that melts. 


I didn't have any tortilla chips so I placed a couple of tortillas on a pan and baked them until they got crispy. 

You could dress this up anyway you want.



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