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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How Many Cloth Diapers Do You Need??

The recommended amounts of diapers are based on washing every 2-3 days. You can purchase less and wash more often. Using Cloth Diapers really does save money.

Prefolds or Flats and Covers

* 2-3 dozen prefolds
* 6 diaper covers
* 12 liners (optional, but saves diapers from staining and will help keep baby feeling dry)
* 12 cloth wipes (optional, but so easy to use and throw in the wash with the diapers)
* 12 doublers (depending on what AIOs you use and the needs of your baby)


* 2 dozen diapers if you use AIOs exclusively. If you want a few on hand for outings or other times when they would be convenient, then 3-4 would be fine.
* 12 liners (optional, but saves diapers from staining and if the diapers do not have fleece lining, these will help keep baby feeling dry)
* 12 cloth wipes (optional, but so easy to use and throw in the wash with the diapers)
* 12 doublers (depending on what AIOs you use and the needs of your baby)

Pocket Diapers and Inserts

* 2 dozen diapers if you plan on using pocket diapers exclusively. If you want a few on hand for outings or other times when they would be convenient, then 3-4 would be fine.
* At least as many inserts as you have pocket diapers. Some inserts are more trim and you may need 2 for daytime and even more for nighttime use.
* 12 cloth wipes (optional, but so easy to use and throw in the wash with the diapers)

Fitted Diapers & Covers

* 2-3 dozen diapers
* 6 covers
* 12 liners (optional, but saves diapers from staining and if the diapers do not have fleece lining, these will help keep baby feeling dry)
* 12 cloth wipes (optional, but so easy to use and throw in the wash with the diapers)
* 12 doublers (depending on what AIOs you use and the needs of your baby)

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster


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