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Thursday, May 23, 2024

DIY Anti-Itch Cream Tube

Super easy recipe to create your own anti-itch cream in a tube for keeping on you. Get bit by a mosquito or any other itchy bites , this will calm the itch. Spend any time outdoors have this in your pocket.


1 teaspoon shea butter

1 teaspoon bees wax

3/4 teaspoon coconut oil

5 - 10 drops of tea tree , lavender , and  peppermint essentials oils

  1. Over low heat, melt shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil together in a pan
  2. Stir in essential oils
  3. Pour into lip balm tubes, or any other suitable container with a tight lid.
  4. Let cool
  5. Use as needed to sooth irritated skin and bug bites.


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