Seeds ~ Get them now! Get ready for Spring as soon as possible - before it is hard to find them.
- 🌶️ Huge Value - 25 Summer Vegetable
& Fruit Seeds Variety Pack for Planting Outdoors and Indoor Home
Garden - LESS THAN $1.50 PER SEED VARIETY - 1600+ seeds including
Marketer & Boston Pickling Cucumber, Red Beefsteak & Large
Cherry Tomato, Cal Wonder, Jalapeno, Cayenne & Anaheim Pepper,
Zucchini, Butternut, Scallop & Yellow Squash, Connecticut Field
& Sugar Pie Pumpkin, Eggplant, Okra, Lima Bean, Sorrel, Corn,
Sunflower, Canary Yellow & Honeydew Melon, Crimson Sweet & Sugar
Baby Watermelon.
- 🌱 Easy
& Fun Growing Experience with our online guides - Don’t plant
disappointment - Add more colors to your garden with summer vegetable
and fruit seeds for planting! We send only super hearty fruit and
vegetable Seeds with the highest germination rate and fast sprout. Our
detailed growing guide helps you grow the veggie and fruit garden of
your dream like a PRO.
- 🏡
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits All Year Round at Indoor or Outdoor Gardens -
Plant fruit and veggie seeds all year round Indoor in aerogarden,
window, and hydroponics garden or transfer them to your outdoor home
garden. Grow your vegetable and fruit seeds and enjoy healthy meals with
the help of our cooking guide.
🎁 Outstanding Gift - for couples, vegetarians, vegans, gardeners,
house survivalists, people who are looking for a new hobby or trying
something new. Can be used for a variety of occasions - as a
housewarming, babyshower, birthday, anniversary gift, and more.
🗽 Made in the USA by Small Family-Owned Business - Quality You Can
Trust - Our summer vegetable and fruit seeds kit is tested at 90%+
germination rates before being sealed to last for up to 2 years before
you need to plant.