" Red sky at night , shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning. " is a very old weather saying. A red sky at night indicates that the atmosphere holds very little moisture. Meaning that there will be no rain or snow with in a couple of hours. A red sky in the morning is a warning that storms are approaching.
A grey morning is usually a sign that the day ahead will be dry. A grey sky in the evening indicates rain.
A clear sky at night is usually an indication that the night weather will be good. Towards the end of summer it can be an indication of frost.
If you have a very clear sky one night followed by a night with very few stars visible , it could mean that the weather is going to be changing.
An enlarging corona around the sun or moon can be a sign of good weather and a shrinking corona around them can be a sign of rain.
Learn the signs in the sky and you can increase your chances of survival. You will know when to hunker down in a shelter and when you can move on.
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