
Monday, May 24, 2021

They Are Growing...

The herbs are growing a bit! They are hanging on my fence in this Over The Door Hanging Shoe Organizer. Easy to do - more info here - DIY & Frugal Hanging Herb Garden PART 2 . We have not had any rain in a while so I have been watering it every day. They seem to be growing pretty good. Kind of a fun thing to watch.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Solar Oven Project with Free Printables - Homeschool Activity


We are totally going to do this this week. Great homeschool activity! So many teachable moments with this. Solar energy, cooking, self sufficiency, and so much more. This is going to be fun.


Solar Oven Project with Free Printables














Friday, May 21, 2021

7 Mostly-Great Options for an Off-Grid Refrigerator



                                7 Mostly-Great Options for an Off-Grid Refrigerator

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 I planted some strawberries a couple of years ago and they are just now growing great. I hope that we can actually pick some strawberries this year. Even if we just get a few. 

This Kit below is the ones that I planted. I had 4 of them and just put them out beside my shed and they started up growing. After a couple of years they have spread out quite a bit and have flowers showing up on them! I actually bought some blueberry bushes. They are growing , too.

Get In Shape for SHTF


                                 The number one thing to do to be prepared is to get in shape. 

                      A couple of months ago I got me this treadmill. Just a Manual Treadmill one that does

                        not need electricity. of course. 

                                       I also have stopped drinking soda. No more chips. We have been 

                              hiking more and getting out in the sun. We both have new bicycles to use instead 

                         of driving all of the time. Plus save on gas.

                             If SHTF it would be better to be healthy then to be out of shape.

14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage - WebEcoist





14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage - WebEcoist


Here are some great ideas for being less dependent on the grid. Even if you just do a couple of them , ti will help.

Monday, May 17, 2021

How to Make an Easy Patio Privacy Screen {Step-by-Step Tutorial} | Hometalk

How to Make an Easy Patio Privacy Screen {Step-by-Step Tutorial} | Hometalk: This might be the best privacy idea we've ever seen! I've seen several DIY projects for privacy fences, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money or put a ton of effort into this project.


I really love the look of this. 

Try These 10 Ideas for Adding Privacy to Backyard Oasis

Try These 10 Ideas for Adding Privacy to Backyard Oasis


I am slowly getting a privacy fence put up around my back yard. Having to do it by myself. But, the ideas in that list seem really nice and doable. Might try a couple of them out.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Frugal Supper Idea

 This might seem weird, but I did not feel like cooking much and had some bread that was getting stale so French Bread (Toast) for supper it was! 

Very easy to make and low cost.

Soak the bread in egg that had been beat. 

Fry up in a pan that has margarine in it. Brown it on both sides and serve with syrup.

Fills you up and cost pennies per serving.

Probably not healthy , but since we don't eat it very often , it seems ok. 


DIY Planters |

DIY Planters |


I love DIY ideas and since this is the season to be planting plants and being outside , I thought these ideas would come in handy. 

Mason Jar Luminaries: Homemade Bug Repellent

Mason Jar Luminaries: Homemade Bug Repellent

These are pretty and keep bugs away. It is getting to be that time of year where everyone wants to be outside, but don't want to deal with bugs.

41 Fun, Cheap and Free Things to Do in the Summer | PT Money

41 Fun, Cheap and Free Things to Do in the Summer | PT Money: If you have kids, you are probably looking for cheap or free things to do this summer. You can have fun for less with this list of 41 ideas.


I am on the look out for free things that we can do this summer. There are a lot of local things to do. Our town is going to have Movies at the park and a few other things. Look at local things for your family to do that are free.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Growing Everything! Plant Every Seed!

 Does anyone else do this? I will plant any seed I get from any veggie or fruit! These cute little plants are lemons! We had some lemons a couple of months ago and as I was using them I would save the seeds back. Put them into some potting soil and here we are now! I also throw any veggie that has seeds in it into my garden. I now have some extra green peppers and tomatoes growing that grew from me doing this. I can't wait to see what will grow and what won't. We have a couple of oranges here that I will save the seeds from and am really curious if they will grow. 

It has even been a great learning experience for homeschooling. Actually see how things grow.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Support Local Farmers



What we had left on Monday!



We went to a local farmers market on Saturday. I am going to support my local community as much as I can. Trying to stay out of big box stores. I did buy a bicycle yesterday from Walmart, but anything else that I can get local I will. Another great way is to try and get items you need from local facebook groups.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Gutter Gardens | Sustainably Sustainably

Here is another great way to make a small garden. Using gutters. Gutter Gardens | Sustainably Sustainably

Thursday, May 6, 2021

DIY & Frugal Hanging Herb Garden PART 2

 Finally had a break in the rain and got this put up. 

Used a Over The Door Hanging Shoe Organizer and hung it over the fence. I actually had to cut the bottom 4 off because it was too long! 

Filled each place up with potting soil after putting tiny drain holes into each place. I put seeds into each place, labeled them. I had gotten this 15 Culinary Herb Seed Vault. I only used 12 of them right now. It was starting to rain again while I was putting this together. It took me about 10 minutes to do it all. Hopefully I will have an update that will be good news. That they are actually growing.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

DIY & Frugal Hanging Herb Garden


I bought one of these Over The Door Hanging Shoe Organizer and a big bag of potting soil. I had gotten a pack of herb seeds a while ago and am going to use the hanging shoe organizer to grow them in. Hang it over my fencing and hopefully it will work. I need to punch some tiny holes in the bottom of each place to make sure the water can drain.

Just waiting for all of this storming to stop so that I can get outside and do this. As soon as I have it all set up I will make another post with pictures etc.