
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Canology - A Modern Guide - How To Eat Healthier & Save Money By Preserving Locally-Grown Natural Foods

Canology - A Modern Guide - How To Eat Healthier & Save Money By Preserving Locally-Grown Natural Foods was free when I wrote this post for the Kindle. This is something that I am going to do this year. Can a lot! I haven't really done it before to an extensive degree. I have done tomatoes and that is it. My mom said that she would come over when we have a bunch of our homegrown vegetables and teach me more about canning. So, anytime I have seen a free book for my Kindle about canning I get it. Great way to preserve your homegrown items! Saves your family money and is healthy.


  1. Thanks for sharing that. I jumped over there and downloaded it on my Kindle too. I really enjoy canning because my husband and I do it together. I still can by myself if needed but it's so much more enjoyable to share the process. I hope you have a great time with your Mom.


  2. Thank you! Bad thing is that we will probably have way too much fun and I won't learn anything. LOL
