
Friday, April 29, 2011

Garden Weekend

With all of the bad weather that we have been having I have not gotten my garden started yet. I feel so behind and bad about that. Hopefully it will not affect anything and the veggies and herbs will grow! I do have strawberries started inside. I wanted to get some other stuff started inside , but I just have not gotten anything done that I wanted to get done. I am in a funk, I think. The bad winter and than this bad weather just has me down. Hopefully when I see my garden start to grow I will feel better. I am going to spend the whole weekend working on the garden. I am going to get the veggie party started in my yard.


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It Is Not Raining!!!!!

I hope that I am not speaking too soon, but for now it is not raining and I do not think it has a chance to rain again until Sunday!!! The sun is shining. The wind was bad all night and is still blowing pretty bad. I finally have a chance to hang some clothes out to dry. I have had to use the dryer the last 2 weeks and have not liked it one bit. We also need to find something to do this weekend outside. We all have cabin fever.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lack of Sleep!

WOW! I can see right now that the one major problem during an emergency would be the lack of sleep. The last 2 weeks we have been having severe storms and Tornadoes overnight EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and I have not slept , but a couple of hours a night. I am exhausted and we still have a few more days of this horrible weather. I just really need some sleep. 2 weeks of this is really messing with how I function. I also have a 4 year old at home that has never took a nap , so that means I can't take a nap. LOL I just have no idea what to do. I just wish that all of this bad weather would go away. It might not be so bad if I was not here alone with the kids. My hubby has been out on the road and I am here by myself and have to be the one to watch the weather. I cannot wait for good weather!!

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tornado Preparedness - The Six Keys to Safety


The US has more tornadoes than any other area on the globe. We get them in the spring, as weather changes in the fall, when summer storms hit, and as byproducts of hurricanes. Though the Midwest is known as "tornado alley," there's really no place in the country that's immune. Add to this the fact that hurricanes and severe thunderstorms can produce directional winds nearly as destructive as the vortex of a twister, and it's easy to see that we need additional preparedness info beyond "duck and cover."

We're going to cover the six main areas of tornado preparedness that will help you before, during, and after a tornado or heavy storm strikes. Appropriately, we'll use the acronym S.T.O.R.M.S.:

Shelter - Strengthen your home and know where to find expedient shelter.

Time - Increase your chances of getting the early warning.

Others - Safety and protection involves the whole family and communicating with others.

Resources - You'll need everything from immediate supply to good insurance.

Medical - Help yourself now to save the injured later.

Sweeping Up - Tips and tricks for dealing with the aftermath.


Severe storms with driving rain, possible hail, and projectiles hurled by strong winds offer extreme dangers from which we need to protect ourselves. The best protection would be a steel-reinforced concrete safe room located in the basement of a structurally sound building. Lacking that, let's look at a few things you should do now:

Reinforce your house. There are simple things we can do to greatly strengthen our homes. Ask your local home-supply store rep about angle brackets, strapping, and techniques to install them to make your roof, walls, and connection to the foundation stronger. Also, do an internet search for "hurricane retrofit" (including quotes) to find additional instruction. One such source is from the Institute for Business and Home Safety at Safety.
Create a safe room or area within your home. The general rule of thumb is to pick an area near the center of your house and below ground if possible or at least on the lowest floor. Consider these points:
Ø Turn your walk-in closet into a safe area. Remove the sheetrock from walls and ceiling, add extra wall studs held in place with screws, strapping, and angle brackets, and then replace the sheetrock with one or two layers of ¾" marine plywood held in place with structural adhesive and screws. Finish and paint the walls and you'll never know it was retrofitted. Ø For some online sources of "safe-room construction" do an internet search or see:
· National Hurricane Center.

· The University of Missouri has a detailed "Storm Shelter Pack" available online at "Storm Shelter Pack".

Ø If you live in a mobile home, your best bet for safety would be a storm cellar. One simple and relatively inexpensive way to make a storm cellar is to have a septic tank company install a clean new unit in your yard, but leave about a foot above the ground. You can build a strong cover over that and use it as an outdoor deck, or as the foundation for a storage shed.

Ø Some locations might reimburse you for building a safe room. Check with your tax assessor, county extension office, insurance provider, insurance commissioner, or local emergency management office.

Learn the "safe points." When a tornado strikes you might be at home, but it's more likely you'll be at work, out running errands, or on a trip. Learn to recognize all the locations that will provide protection. Does the building you're in have shelters? For example, in the Denver Airport, the restrooms are designated tornado shelters. Does the building have a basement? Are you on the road? How far are you from a known safe building, or from a deep ditch?

Time In emergencies, our most important asset is time. The two best ways to gain extra time in weather emergencies are to prepare now, and to get as early a warning as possible that severe weather is heading your way. If you wait for your community's alert sirens, you've waited too long.
Buy a Weather Alert Radio. Not only do they warn you of inclement weather, but the system is now being tied in to the regular EAS system to warn you of other emergencies.
Sign up for an alternate alert service such as the Weather Channel's "Notify" which can be found on their website. Hint: When you get the warning, take action! Don't do dumb things like videotaping the tornado.
Learn the indicators of severe weather. The Weather Channel and others such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at NOAA, have educational information that will teach you how to spot incoming severe weather. Some "symptoms" may include:
Ø A large anvil-shaped thunderhead cloud or a thick, very dark, cloud cover with a pea-soup consistency. Ø Hail or, in some cases, unseasonable snow.
Ø Green lightning (as lightning flashes behind clouds heavily laden with water).

Ø A sudden change in humidity, wind direction or wind speed, rain volume, or rain direction.

Ø A sudden change in air pressure (your ears may pop).

Network with others. Sometimes our friends and coworkers are our best early warning system. Develop a phone tree or at least a general agreement among friends and relatives that you'll warn each other about dangers in the area.

Others There are two sets of "others" you might deal with in concert with a severe storm. One is your family and the other is first responders. Communicate with your family both now - to prepare for a tornado - and later in the event a tornado watch or warning is given. You also may need to communicate with first responders if you experience injury or certain types of property damage that requires official assistance. Consider:
Tornado drills. Emergency reactions are worth practicing. Have your family practice getting into the safe room and into a safe position ("duck and cover") within 30 seconds or less.
Protect your pets. On warning of severe weather, round up your pets, put them on leads or in carriers, and take them to your safe area. If your house is damaged in the storm your pets are more protected and easier to care for afterward. Hint: You can train your pets to head to the safe room on command. Your vet can give you some training pointers.
Communication and signaling may be vitally important if your home is damaged and/or someone sustains injury during a tornado. For example, though everyone might be uninjured, you may be trapped in the debris that was once your home and need someone to dig you out. In addition to your house phone and cell phone, have backup options like a hand-held two-way radio, and something that can make a loud noise such as an air-horn. Also, make sure your neighbors know you have a safe room in the house, or storm cellar in your yard. They can tell authorities where to look if no one has heard from you.

Resources In a disaster, you'll need goods, gear, or services to help you deal with the event and then recover afterward. Make sure you have adequately covered each of the following areas:
Make sure your insurance policy covers all types of natural disaster including water damage from rain or flood since many policies have strict exclusions. Also, make sure your policy will provide for the costs of temporary lodging and the full replacement value for your property and possessions.
Keep your isolation and evacuation supplies together in a protected spot where you can access them immediately, or where they'll be protected if your home is damaged while you're away.
Make a list of services you might need after a tornado, such as cleanup and repair services or temporary lodging. Look through your phone book to find services like tree-cutting and debris removal, structural home repairs, automotive repairs, lodging, etc. Write their contact information down and keep it with your emergency kits so you can call these services immediately after a disaster to get your name on their lists.

Medical We're hoping that all the advice above has kept you safe in the event of a tornado. However, we know things do happen and people get hurt. Cover the following, just in case:
First aid training is important for every family regardless of the threat, so learn the basics of general first aid and CPR. Next, talk with your doctor about first aid measures for specific ailments. For example, if someone in your family has Asthma and they have an attack, what are some things you can do to care for them if you can't immediately get to their inhaler or medication?
First aid kits are a must and families should have several and not just one. The main kit should be kept in the home, but smaller kits should be kept in each automobile and at your workplace.
Copies of medical information should be kept at home. After a destructive event there's no guarantee your family doctor will be available or that the hospital's computers will be functional. In case of injury, medical practitioners will need to know a general medical history of the injured. Keep a list of ailments, conditions, special medical needs, and current medications of each family member (including pets). Remember, even though you're the head of household and you know all that information, you may be injured and unable to communicate.

Sweeping Up All destructive events have at least one thing in common; they're going to create quite a mess. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe while cleaning up:
Though you might think the power is completely out, stay away from downed power lines.
Stay alert to the hissing sound of a broken gas line or the smell of gas.
Dress for the weather, but still dress to protect. Wear sturdy shoes or boots (and watch out for boards with nails), a hat and sunscreen, insect repellant, and heavy work gloves. The hospitals will be too full of major injuries to deal with the minor injuries you could have prevented.
Physical labor after a stressful event can be quite taxing. Drink plenty of fluids, eat regularly, and take periodic breaks.
Here is where you'd need your list of professional cleanup services. Call as soon as possible.
In the case of total destruction, your property itself will be a trash pile. Therefore, use your main trashcan as a receptacle for the items you want to salvage. Label it accordingly so no one throws away its contents. Hint: Take photographs or video of all the damage for insurance purposes.
It's possible that your valued possessions might be strewn about the neighborhood. It'll be easier to have things returned if your name is written or engraved on them. If you don't want to use your name, use a unique identifier such as the first phone number you can remember from childhood. Hint: Never use your Social Security Number.
Though this article is longer than average, there is still no way we can pass along all the helpful hints and tips that will keep you safe in an emergency and help you recover afterward. Do what you can with the information presented, and continue your education on your own. The steps you take to protect yourself against tornadoes will help protect you and yours during any number of other disaster preparedness scenarios. Stay safe!
© 2007, Paul Purcell. About the author: Paul Purcell is the lead security analyst and preparedness consultant for InfoQuest in Atlanta, GA. He’s also the author of “Disaster Prep 101 – The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Readiness.” For more information about the author and other storm and preparedness-related articles visit disasterprep101 Permission is granted to reprint this article provided all portions remain intact.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Top 100 Items You Want to Stockpile

Top 100 Items You Want to Stockpile

1. Generators
2. Water Filters/Purifiers
3. Portable Toilets
4. Guns, Ammo, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats, Slingshots.
5. Duct Tape
6. Cook stoves (Alcohol, Propane, Coleman, Kerosene)
7. Fuels
8. Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid A MUST)
9. Feminine Hygiene, Skin products, hair care, deodorant
10. Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash, floss, nail clippers
11 Shaving supplies (razors, creams, talc, aftershave)
12. Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap (saves water)
13. Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur)
14. Flashlights, LIGHTSTICKS, torches
15. Lantern Hangers
16. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc
17. Candles
18. Matches {"Strike Anywhere" preferred.)
19. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps
20. Charcoal, Lighter Fluid
21. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)
22. Coleman's Pump Repair Kit
23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder (Urgent: Small canister use is dangerous without this item)
24. Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal)
25. Hand can openers, hand eggbeaters, whisks
26. Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient)
27. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing)
28. Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty (Cooking and Barter Item)
29. Garbage Bags (Impossible To Have Too Many)
30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels
31. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks)
32. Clothes pins/line/hangers (A MUST)
33. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)
34. Laundry Detergent (liquid)
35. Bleach (plain, NOT scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypo chlorite)
36. Paraffin wax
37. Fire Extinguishers (or Baking Soda in every room)
38. Batteries (all furthest-out for Expiration Dates)
39. First aid kits
40. Boy Scout Handbook / also Leaders Catalog
41. Survival Guide and Emergency First Aid Books
42. Water Containers (Urgent Item to obtain.) Any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY ( food grade if for drinking)
43. Garbage cans Plastic (great for storage, water transporting - if with wheels)
44. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)
45. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)
46. Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators
47. Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks
48. Board Games, Cards, Dice
49. Reading glasses
50. Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies
51. Canning supplies, (Jars/lids/wax)
52. Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel
53. Bow saws, axes and hatchets. Wedges (also, honing oil)
54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes
55. Garden tools & supplies
56. Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats
57. Cots & Inflatable mattresses
58. Backpacks, Duffel Bags
59. Fishing supplies/tools
60. Rice - Beans - Wheat
61. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc
62. Milk - powdered & condensed
63. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts
64. Dehydrated fruits, vegetables
65. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels. Trail mix/Jerky
66. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancer's)
67. Honey, Syrups, white/ brown sugar
68. Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies
69. Soy sauce, vinegar, bouillon, gravy, soup base
70. Canned Salmon Fish
71. Vegetable Oil (for cooking)
72. Flour, yeast, salt
73. Teas
74. Coffee
75. Chewing gum/candies
76. Vitamins, Minerals, Medications, etc.
77. Sweatshirts/pants
78. Hats & cotton neckerchiefs
79. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.
80. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)
81. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens
82. Work boots, belts, Levis & durable shirts
83 Thermal underwear (Tops & Bottoms)
84. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.
85. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula, ointments/aspirin, etc.
86. "Survival-in-a-Can"
87. Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams
88. Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets
89. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer
90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws, nuts & bolts
91. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
92. Roll-on Window Insulation Kit (MANCO)
93. Cigarettes
94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc.,)
95. Lumber (all types)
96. Wagons & carts (for transport to and from)
97. Seasoned Firewood.
98. Bicycles...Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc
99. Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food)
100. Goats, chickens

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Rising Gas & Food Prices

I guess because I have a car now, I am noticing the high price of gas now. It is $3.96 here in my small town for the cheap gas. WOW! I just have such a hard time believing that it can be that high. Also the food prices are so ridiculous. Makes you wonder if there is some price gouging going on and why? Why raise the prices on food when people are having the worst time. No jobs, unemployment running out, high gas, taxes, and more. Seems so unfair. It is just so scary. Going to the grocery store and buying the exact same items that I buy every week and seeing the total inch up and up is the worst thing ever. I just cannot imagine how families that have no job are dealing. Just awful. Now is the time to get prepared. Prepared financially, food stockpiled, protection, and to get prepared spiritually.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stocking Up The Freezer?

Every single time that we go to the grocery store , my hubby wants to buy stuff to fill up the freezer. I want food in the house also, but I try to explain to him that if there is an emergency that there most likely be no power. He was on the road when we had the wind storm of 2008, so he does not really understand how bad it got in just 3 days of no power. We had hardly no canned food and our FULL FREEZER was lost. With no power I was not able to cook much. I just had my small alcohol stove. It was so windy we could not use the grill. Heck, we even lost our roof.
So, I really think that we should use our freezer for just stuff that will get used that week, Maybe only have about 3 days worth of food in there. But, I have been focused more on stocking up on canned food and stuff like that ever since that wind storm. I am thankful every day that happened to us - Gave us a wake up call.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bulk Seasonings & What To Put Them In!

I had bought some bulk seasonings a while back and was wondering what I was going to put them in too use them. I did not want to just leave them in the bags and hope they did not spill.
Well, it came to me this morning when I ran out of creamer. I cleaned the creamer's plastic container out and took the plastic label off of it. Then I used my food funnel to fill it up with the seasonings. I have Chili seasoning, taco seasoning, and the Mrs Dash type seasoning from Provident Pantry. I taped the seasoning label onto the outside of the new seasoning bottle and now have them to where I can use them. The lid that is on a creamer bottle is perfect for these bulk seasonings. It makes them easy to pour and measure. I always knew that I was saving my plastic creamer bottles for something! LOL

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Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Will Be Using More Coupons Now!!

Since we went and bought a car , I will be using more coupons when I go to the store. I find most of my coupons and deals on theWeUseCoupons website and forum. I love it over there. You can share the best deals, freebies, and coupons on it and can really save some money!! The best part is that it is free to join.

Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

We Did It & I Am Scared!!

We went and did something kind of drastic yesterday - bought a car!! It is a few years old , a 2006 , and it is a Ford Focus , so it will be great on gas. But it is the scary part of now having 2 more bills. Car payment and insurance to the think about. I wanted so badly to be able to buy a cheap used car for cash, but we had been saving for almost 2 years now and had not been able to find one. This is so scary for me. I hate the thought of having some other thing to worry about. But with our oldest son going to be a senior next year and all of that good stuff, we had to have a vehicle. LOL

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Tried Something Yesterday

I had been reading online about making your own dehydrated sour cream. I had some in the fridge. So, I decided to try it out. I spread it out on the tray and turned it on. About 10 hours later I checked it and it seemed done. I took it out and it broke all apart. I placed it in my blender and pulverized it into a fine powder. Placed it in a jar and then just to be safe I put that in the fridge. Next time I make mashed potatoes I will try it out and see how well it is. I did not do a lot, just tried it out.

Has anyone had experience with making their own dehydrated sour cream??

How did you store it??

Now I am off to do some more strawberries.

Home Food Storage

Food Preservation Options

When it comes to food preservation there are two very important things that should be looked at, Why and How.

Why-Why are you preparing, and what length of time or type of emergency are you preparing for?

Example:Let's say, you're preparing for a weekend away camping outdoors with your family, or even building your own 72 hr kit for home emergencies. You won't need to invest nearly the amount of time, or money that you would for any type of long term emergency storage situation. When planning your WHY, please take a look at the following.

Short Term or Emergency Storage- This type of preparation should be considered as the bare minimum. It should be assembled or purchased with the intention of getting you and your family through a very short time of need, such as a power outage or brief emergency.

It should contain enough supplies, to address any minor first aid needs, power failure provisions as well as enough food and water to sustain each person for 1 to 3 days. It should also be easily accessible, in case of an emergency and be portable in case emergency relocation is needed.

Keep in mind that most of the items in this type of kit will need to be replaced and or rotated every 1 to 3 years depending on its contents. Keeping the ability to travel in mind, a small but effective water filtration system is advisable. Water is a survival must and filtering your own is much easier than carrying it. Keeping it light is always a good policy and when the proper supplies are chosen, it should easily fit into most mid range to high quality hiking packs.

Mid Range or life sustaining storage- This type of preparation should be your next step in providing peace of mind and a solid sense of security for yourself and your family. It will take more time to prepare and should be well planned and able to sustain the needs of you and your loved ones for 1 to 3 months.

There are as many options available when assembling this type of storage as methods of food preservation that can be used when preparing its contents. Keep in mind, that depending on your budget and how much you choose to spend, either by purchasing it or doing the work to pack and prepare it yourself. The quality of packaging and technology used will determine how often you will need to rotate or replace its contents.

How- How you plan your why is very important. There are many different methods available to preserve and store food, so it is important that you research your options and plan wisely. If done properly you can easily provide a firm safety net that you and your family can depend on if needed. If done wrong, it can be an enormous waste of time and money. If it is done poorly, when the time comes for you to use your survival storage, you could actually end up worse than if you had nothing at all!

Canned- It doesn't matter if you're a do it yourself person, or you prefer to buy it from the store. Most canned goods only last between 3-5 years, depending on the quality of seal and product in question. In general, always use the expiration date printed by the company as an indicator for how long it's going to last you.

Any time after that is questionable and hardly worth the risk, especially if you have children. In the end it is up to the individual to risk eating bad food or not, but hungry is always better that sick or dead. As scary as that sounds, feeding it to a child, who can't read an expiration date seems even worse.

Frozen- With frozen foods, you are looking at the same type of expiration system as canned. The date on the box is going to be your best indication as to when it might not taste as good as you remembered. Keep in mind, that in most situations this is probably the most undependable way to build a source of food storage. The invention of the freezer and its huge variety of foods that are available, have taken us to new heights in being able to eat our favorite meals any time of year.

However, unless you have a good generator, lots of gas and the know how to fix a freezer or happen to live in Alaska. Your hard earned food storage could all be gone and smell pretty terrible after only 2 or 3 days.

Dehydrated- This means of preservation is a good one, and has been used for thousands of years. Long before the all mighty fridge and grocery store even existed. If done properly, it can last 3-5 years or more. You should still use the expiration date as a good indication of shelf life. If you are doing it yourself, do your homework and please use good judgment. Many cultures, like the American Indians would use this method to cure and preserve their meat supply for the winter.

Please do your research on this one, even though drying out meat on a stick over a fire worked great 100 years ago. In a world of dehydrators, preservatives, and vacuumed tight storage bags it is pretty silly not take advantage of the amazing gifts of technology and convenience that we all hopefully have right in front of us.

Freeze Dried- Now we are talking, no matter what kind of storage you are putting together this method is much more dependable than any of the above. The major challenge with this method is that, almost none of us have the ability to do it at home. This method of preservation is almost exclusively done at a commercial level, and in most cases will need to be purchased.

However, if you take into consideration what your spending now per month to feed your family. You can usually buy that amount of sustainable Freeze dried food storage for around 1/3 of the price you spend monthly on groceries. Freeze dried food can last anywhere from 5-25 years, depending on the quality of the process and packaging used in its manufacture. The major upsides of this kind of product are:

5-25 Year Shelf Life
Because of Flash Freezing methods, the food can retain up to 90 % or more of the original taste and nutrients.
Just Add Water: Some products out there only require 1 cup of water and a ten min wait and you're enjoying great food anytime or anywhere.
Weight: Because it is freeze dried, it's more like a backpack full of Lucky Charms than a month supply of healthy delicious food.
The Guarantee: It's hard for many do it yourself people to admit, that Purchased food storage may be the best way to go. You may lose the chance to say you did it all yourself but you save time and gain the confidence of using a solid product that has a proven track record. When building a storage reserve of more than 6 months, purchased is the way to go.
Long Term Storage- This is the final stop and ultimate in food storage preparation, and should be planned to last up to a Year or more. When planning your long term food storage options there are many things to consider. Ultimately when you begin these types of preparations you are looking at a big job that can cost a bit of money and a lot of time. It is for this reason, that the only option we would advise is Freeze Dried foods.

It may cost you up front, but the reality is that you are purchasing a 20 year supply of or peace of mind knowing it can easily be prepared in a tight situation using only water! It also has the huge benefit of retaining most of its flavor, while losing very little of the foods original nutrients.

The worries of trying to learn how to preserve all that food yourself, just to rotate it every 3-5 years will be off your shoulders. You can rest easy knowing you and your family are covered in almost any emergency situation or time of need.

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Copyright 2010-2011 F4T LLC

By, Tilden Carter
Many more tips and checklists, just like this one @ Food4Tomorrow your Emergency Education & Preparedness Products one stop resource.
Thank You
Food 4 Tomorrow "Emergency Education Resource"

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plan to make money this summer from your garden...

If you have a green thumb or even a slightly green thumb, and like gardening, you may be able to turn your hobby into a money-making proposition. Even though gardening can be labor intensive, it can be very relaxing at the same time. It may be just the physical activity needed to zap stress or just get some exercise. Gardening can mean either vegetables or flowers. A lot of people are in the market for both and most would rather deal with a local rather than a huge chain store. Making money gardening can be handled in several different ways.

Vegetable Plants

It is possible to start vegetables from seeds, but the average person would rather prepare their garden for the season then buy starter plants rather than plant seeds. Your job, if you wish to accept, is to prepare a number of small pots with seeds during the winter and grow the starter plants. If you plant in January, plants will be ready to sell in April. Choose one type of vegetable to start or choose a few of the most popular such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, corn or string beans. When people find out you are selling vegetable plants, you may be able to take orders for the next year. Be sure you grow quality name plants. If your plants do not produce, you will not have any customers the next year. If you price your plants competitively, making money gardening will be a lot easier.

Selling Produce

A road side vegetable stand is a good way to sell the produce you grow. Unless you have a huge inventory of produce, the chances of selling to a grocery store might not be feasible. Perhaps you might make a deal with another small vegetable stand to sell your produce. Your stand does not have to be open every day. It may be a weekend operation or an every other day operation. Whenever your stand is open making sure the produce is fresh. If there is a local Farmers Market, consider selling your produce there. You may have to pay a fee to sell, but if it is a busy Market, you will recover that cost quickly. No matter how you sell your produce, have a scale to weigh the vegetables if you are selling by weight and bags on hand for customers to take their goodies home.


Perhaps your green thumb is in the floral area. Making money gardening, works for flowers as well as vegetables. Like vegetables, most people would rather buy plants already in the growth process or fully grown rather than plant seeds. Planting seeds during the late fall and early winter will assure you have flowers or starter flowers in the spring. Most annuals grow better in year two than year one. If you have the space, plant a field of annuals that suit your planting zone and sell them after a year or maybe two of established growth. Consider a weekend plant sale if you do not want to operate a plant stand full time.

Zack Wilson is an avid organic gardener, for more comprehensive information on how to make money gardening visit my website where you will also find many articles on organic gardening, problems with gardening, easy steps to organic gardening, making money with your garden and much much more.

Organic Garden
How to Make Money from Your Garden

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Get Your Children Involved!

I think that it is a good idea to get your children involved with your self preparations. I do not think that you should let them know all of the scary reasons, but let them help. They will like that. Mine are going to have their own section in the garden that will be where they grow what they like more. I have them write down some food items that they want me to stock up just for them. My oldest son loves Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup. My youngest loves strawberry milk. So I know to get this for them.
It is a good idea to get the children involved so that you can have plans on what to do if something happens. Who to call, where to go, etc. Keep all of that information somewhere that they can get to it.
Let them have their own Bug-Out Kit. Their own flashlights and radios. I really think that it is a good idea for kids to know what to do in an emergency.
FEMA has some great tips on how to get kids ready, games, and other items just for kids.

Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stock Up First Aid Supplies

When you are storing up items DO NOT FORGET ABOUT FIRST AID SUPPLIES!!

You can easily buy a first aid kit already put together(Johnson & Johnson First Aid Kit, Safe Travels (Pack of 2)), or you can make your own.

Here are some things that you should have in one:
Basic supplies

Adhesive tape
Antibiotic ointment
Antiseptic solution or towelettes
Ammex N95 Rated Face Masks - Protects From Flu, Sars and Other Fatal Deseases - 20 per Box - Niosh N95
Bandages, including a roll of elastic wrap (Ace, Coban, others) and bandage strips (Band-Aid, Curad, others) in assorted sizes
Instant cold packs
Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
Disposable latex or synthetic gloves, at least two pairs
Duct tape
Gauze pads and roller gauze in assorted sizes
Eye goggles
First-aid manual
Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
Plastic bags for the disposal of contaminated materials
Safety pins in assorted sizes
EMT Tooth Saver or Save-A-Tooth storage device containing salt solution and a travel case
Scissors, tweezers and a needle
Soap or instant hand sanitizer
Sterile eyewash, such as a saline solution
Sterile gloves
Triangular bandage
Turkey baster or other bulb suction device for flushing out wounds

Activated charcoal (use only if instructed by your poison control center)
Aloe vera gel
Anti-diarrhea medication
Over-the-counter oral antihistamine (Benadryl, others)
Aspirin and nonaspirin pain relievers (never give aspirin to children)
Calamine lotion
Hydrogen Peroxide
Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream
Personal medications that don't need refrigeration
If prescribed by your doctor, drugs to treat an allergic attack, such as an auto-injector of epinephrine (EpiPen)
Rubbing Aldohol
Syringe, medicine cup or spoon
Emergency items

Cell phone and recharger that uses the accessory plug in your car dash
Emergency phone numbers, including contact information for your family doctor and pediatrician, local emergency services, emergency road service providers and the regional poison control center
Medical consent forms for each family member
Medical history forms for each family member
Small, waterproof flashlight and extra batteries
Candles and matches for cold climates
Mylar emergency blanket
First-aid instruction manual

Always make sure to do these items like you do your food storage! Checking dates and using oldest first. If you have a good first aid kit than you should be able to handle things fine. Always go to the emergency room , though, when it is something that is not easily taken care of.

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