
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MRE Polytrays!

I just got one of these and I must say that I wish that I had some way of getting some more of them. There are 18 servings in this one heavy MRE polytray!! I have the Mashed Potatoes with Chicken Breast in gravy. They are on sale this month at Emergencies Essentials! Great deal on some MREs to put back for the whole family. I am not sure how it would do in a Bug Out bag - it does weigh a bit. But it would do good in your house food storage or in the back of your bug out vehicle.
You warm them up the same way as you can a smaller MRE - just boil some water in a big pot and put this in it for a few minutes.

Simple: Just Add Water - Outdoor Gourmet Meals -

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