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Monday, August 10, 2015

Prepper's Hacks

Prepper's Hacks Box Set: Steps on How to Increase Emergency Preparedness With Steps For Natural Disaster Response (Prepper's Hacks, prepper supplies, preppers survival) was a free book for the kindle when this post was written.

BOOK #1: Prepper's Pantry: 55 Most Popular Convenience Food for Tasty Life Saving Meals

Who says that your emergency food stockpile has to be filled with bland, flavorless junk? With the right advice and the right amount of ingenuity, you can recreate a familiar, delicious, nutritious, and most of all comfortable variety for your family. Even in the worst disaster, you can use the act of preparing and eating meals to offer a slice of normalcy and comfort to your entire family. Nutrition is important, but it's just as critical to make sure that you can provide that comfort to your family in a stressful emergency situation.

This book will teach you about:

  • How to incorporate a variety of different fruits into your diet when they're not available fresh
  • Enhancing and increasing the quality of convenience foods
  • Finding a balance between ready-to-eat meals and shelf-stable ingredients
  • Maximizing your family's comfort in an emergency situation through food
  • Being creative and flexible with what you have on hand
  • Much, much more!

BOOK #2: Prepper's Hacks: 25 Brilliant Surviving Life Hacks That Every Family Can Use

Having the right supplies and a good plan will only get you so far. What do you do when your supplies begin to dwindle and resources start to become scarce? Only those armed with information and ingenuity will survive. This book will teach you twenty five useful, practical life hacks for survival situations that will allow you to stretch the usefulness of every supply that you've got.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Ingenious uses for household objects (including trash!) that you've never thought of
  • How to improvise survival items like candles, stoves, fuel, and more from objects that you probably already have in your home
  • How to safely purify water using one simple household chemical
  • How to improvise weapons for survival situations
  • Much, much more!

BOOK #3: EMP Survival: 26 Steps on How to Increase Your Safety in Case of EMP and Solar Flares

An EMP blast, or electromagnetic pulse, is one of the absolute worst disasters that can happen to civilization today.
Things aren’t always going to go your way, but with these tips you can definitely increase your odds of survival exponentially.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Ways to increase transportation
  • How a Faraday cage will protect you
  • The medical items you need
  • How potassium iodine can protect your thyroid

BOOK #4: Preppers Blueprint: Practical Preparedness Steps for Jungle Survival

This book will give you an idea and step by step guideline that will help you to survive in the jungle. This book covers some exclusive tips and tricks that are must have items for the survivals of the jungle. Get ready to discover the secrets of surviving in the jungle!

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Quick idea about the essential equipment that will help you to survive
  • The ways to manage fresh water in the jungle
  • Mange shelter and safe foods in Jungle
  • Quicksand is very common in jungle, how you can survive if you face quicksand?
  • Quick demonstration about the dangers of jungle

Build a Survival Safe Home

Build a Survival Safe Home Box Set: The Latest Guide for Building Safe and Warm Wilderness Shelters With 30 Amazing Lessons on How to Build Survival Safe ... (safely home, safe home, Survival handbook) was a free book for the kindle when this post was written.

BOOK #1: Build a Survival Safe Home: The Latest Guide for Building Safe and Warm Wilderness Shelters

Maybe you love the great outdoors. Maybe you are a SHTF prepper. Regardless, you are currently on your personal journey of learning how to live off of the land and survive. When living off of the land or in the wilderness becomes your only option, shelter should be your first concern. That’s why we wrote this ebook. In this ebook you will learn 10 different shelters that you can build on your own land or out in the wilderness. Additionally, you will also learn about the things you should consider when you need to construct your survival shelter. You can learn these helpful shelter building techniques now and be ready for the end of the world!

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • How to build a debris shelter;
  • How to build a lean-to;
  • How to build a swamp bed;
  • How to build a wiki up; and
  • Six other types of shelters.

As a bonus, we walk you through the very important and much needed skill of making and using survival cement. Survival cement can make living in the wilderness much easier. You can use it to secure your shelter, make it water resistant, and use it to build necessities such as a stove.

BOOK #2: Build a Survival Safe Home: 30 Amazing Lessons on How to Build Survival Safe Home and Save Yourself from Natural Disasters

We all know that nothing lasts forever. This also includes our current economy and modern life. A time may come in the future where we don’t have electricity or the other conveniences of life. It’s important that you have a plan for that or a natural disaster. What would you do and where would you go if your current home was demolished due a natural disaster?

In this informative eBook, we discuss some of the best survival safe home plans that can help you survive when SHTF for any reason. Many of the ideas require little more than your sweat equity and some eco-friendly materials.

You’ll learn:

  • How to build a home out of plastic bottles that is almost bullet proof;
  • How to make your own cement so that you can make bricks;
  • How to build a home out of cordwood;
  • How to collect rain water;

And other important tips. You’ll also learn how to build immediate shelters that can get you out of the elements and keep you safe. Additionally, we will discuss some of the things that you need to know about protecting your new homestead. But we didn’t stop there. We will also tell you how to make your own solar panel and how to make a smoker for your food.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Solar Powered Charger For Your Bug-Out Bag!

My oldest son has been a hiker for the last couple of years. He will go and be gone all day and I get really worried because he is sometimes by himself and does not always keep up on his cell phone being charged up. So a couple of months ago he actually listened to me and bought a Solar Charger with USB Port . I was very proud of him and he has taken it with him every time he has went and it works AWESOME! Much better than either of us ever expected. You just lay it is the direct sunlight and plug your usb cord into it and it charges it. That easy. It also seems to be pretty quick at charging. This is something that all of us has to have! Keep in your car and survival kit. Folds up perfect to fit into you bug-out bag! My son has his hanging on his bag.

I tried it out and charged my tablet.

I took it out onto the back porch today and charged my tablet with it and I am now in love with it and will be getting my hubby, daughter, and myself one soon.Get one of these for everyone in your family.

Would make a great gift for anyone. Everyone now seems to have something that charges by a USB cord. Kindles, tablets, cell phones, and more. This is a must have item for anyone that wants to be off-grid or prepared.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Survival Pocket App.: Powered By Nature

Survival Pocket App.: Powered By Nature was a free kindle book when this post was written.

There is a-lot of information on the internet about how to start an organic garden, learn basic first aid skills, food storage and more, but none of it is screened or consolidated into one app. All proceeds during the month of July 2014 will go to help our retired veterans. Thanks for your support!

Let me introduce you to the first app. that consolidates topics that everyone should know from gardening to hunting, and fire-starting tips to building a shelter, all in one handy app.

The Survival Pocket App. was created to provide time-tested self reliance skills and information that previous generations knew and relied on to live. Our generation has an increasing need to learn these skills, live more healthy, save money at the grocery store, and live in harmony with all that nature provides.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

12 Volt Appliances Are So Cool!

When my husband got home this time from his trip out to Idaho , he came in with this thing. First thing I asked him was why does he need another tool box? He just laughed and showed me that it is actually is a RoadPro 12-Volt Portable Stove!! Talk about cool. Now he can have hot food on the road. All he needs is some foil and the food. Plug this in and down the road he has a hot meal. Really will make things better this winter and he is on the road. A good hot meal. This would be great for camping, rvers, boondockers, etc.

Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to share more information and get closer to getting my family totally off-grid and on our own piece of land. This will let me share more and more information to allow , hopefully, for you to become more self-sufficient and able to become more prepared by reading my blog and purchasing items that I share with you that will help you. Thank you! :)