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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Car Trouble

We had finally went a got a newer car 2 weeks ago and today we woke up and it would not start. Come to find out it had a bad battery in it. Luckily I had a battery here that was for our generator and it fit right in and started right up. But, how in the heck does a car lot sell a car with a bad battery in it. The positive post was broke off and the juice was leaking out. The positive thing was all corroded. Oh well. At least we had a battery. But what if we did not have one?? I guess we need to be prepared for any type of an emergency, not just food and home!! We also need to be prepared for car emergencies, also!!! I need to get one of those car kits , that have the jumper cables, flashlights, etc in them. I also want to have a bag with emergency stuff in it. Just something else to have to prepare for.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Is The Best Place To Live In The United States To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse

What Is The Best Place To Live In The United States To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse also read this article from the same blog - Considerations for SHTF Living & Bug Out Locations - Some very interesting points made in both articles. Some stuff to think about.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Garden Weekend

With all of the bad weather that we have been having I have not gotten my garden started yet. I feel so behind and bad about that. Hopefully it will not affect anything and the veggies and herbs will grow! I do have strawberries started inside. I wanted to get some other stuff started inside , but I just have not gotten anything done that I wanted to get done. I am in a funk, I think. The bad winter and than this bad weather just has me down. Hopefully when I see my garden start to grow I will feel better. I am going to spend the whole weekend working on the garden. I am going to get the veggie party started in my yard.


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