
Sunday, January 24, 2021

DIY Lavender Green Tea Face Mask


I've really become quite obsessed with natural DIY skin remedies and beauty concoctions as of late. But, it's a healthy obsession! Not only are they easier on the wallet, but they are safer. You know exactly what you are putting into your homemade products and don't need to worry about extra unnecessary ingredients, whose names you can't even pronounce. Generally, the bare essentials are really all that you need to get better skin and to become an overall healthier human being. 

A little back story: last year, I broke out with my first really horrible bout of contact dermatitis..RIGHT on my face. It was seemingly never ending, leaving me depressed and slightly disfigured for many months. I eventually overcame that embarrassing debacle, but not without suffering frustratingly persistent scars along my jaw and lower cheeks,. After many visits to my dermatologist, my face does look A LOT better and my scars have improved a bit as well.  However, they are still visible and any amount of visibility leaves me feeling insecure at times. I also suffer a bit from hyper-pigmentation, as a result of the dermatitis. So, I do what I can. 

Unfortunately, store bought skin care and beauty products are so pricey, as are repetitive trips to the dermatologist. So, upon doing some research, I found that green tea, chock full of antioxidants, is great for anti-inflammatory purposes and fading fine lines (great combatant against hyper-pigmentation!). I also learned that lavender is pretty fantastic at healing up scars, when applied topically! So, hence the face mask. I'm going to try to use it every night, in conjunction with my Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal face gel wash (vitamin C is also great at fading scars and sun damage!) from here on out. Hopefully, it works for me.. and you, too!

Lavender Green Tea Face Mask
1 tablespoon honey

2 tea bags of 100% pure green tea (i used decaffeinated)

4 drops lavender essential oil

*I tripled this AND THEN added about 1/2 tablespoon of water, so as to dilute it better and make it easier to spread on face*

Mix altogether in a glass bowl and then simply add to a jar! I would recommend applying to your face in a circular motion, allowing the green tea leaves to gently exfoliate your face. Once applied, allow it to sit on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse. It left my face feeling nice and soft, and it looked more even and fresh! Not only that, but the lavender smells amazing and is super relaxing! Enjoy!

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