Homesteading, preppers, survival, self-sufficient, preparedness, and tips for becoming more self-sufficient in these trying times. Learn to be able to take care of your family with very little money and tons of ingenuity.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Food Storage Recipe - Creamy Meatballs, Broccoli , and Fries
Monday, December 14, 2020
Times Will Get Worse?
If times do get worse for us we need to be prepared and be able to stay safe. Don't call unwanted attention to yourself.
If all of your neighbors are out of work , it might not be a good thing to have all kind of packages and deliveries coming to your home. This is the number one thing that I have done the past few weeks - stopped ordering anything online! I was getting a lot of big packages from Amazon Pantry and one day it dawned on me that my neighbors had to notice it , too! Probably not a good idea to call attention to the fact that I have items coming to my house. Gives anyone that is desperate the idea that I might have something they need. I have started doing online pickup orders. Not too often. Just when we really need something. Going and getting it does not seem out of place. EVERYONE goes to the store and brings home bags. I just have really cut back on it and on how much I get.
Make your neighbors think that you are out of things, too! That you are in a tight situation and not going out a lot , not spending money, etc!