here are some people who think that those who create a bug-out-bag (or survival tin) for use in escaping disaster are just paranoid survivalists who always expect the worst in life.
Well guess what? The same people who think that are also the same people who come crying to the survivalists (aka preppers) to help them when disaster strikes - because the "nothing's-going-to-happen" people weren't prepared!
None of us knows what the future holds. Not next year, not next month, not next week, not even today!
Worldwide events show us every single day that by tomorrow (or any time, really) in any given place and at any given time - especially on a local level - our own personal world could be devastated by a man-made or natural disaster.
Don't be taken totally by surprise - BE READY!
Read this bug out bag prepper's guide and find out what you need to have ready - in a moment's notice - to help you survive the first 72 critical hours of most disaster events.
It could mean the difference between surviving - and NOT!