As the Boy Scouts have always said: "Be Prepared!". That holds true whether there is a local disaster, a short term emergency, an enjoyable overnight camping trip, or any situation that demands keeping your family comfortable, prepared, and safe.
There are many examples of “must have” outdoor gear, and we can’t go into all of it, but here are some suggestions when you go to put together your gear for camping or survival or as a “grab bag“ in an emergency.
Bags, duffles, coolers, pouches and holders
Choose from a wide variety that will keep your supplies and fresh food and water dry, wet, cool, hot, and secure until they are needed. One is a lightweight daypack for hiking or day trips.
Aquapac Noatak Wet and Drybag
This coated waterproof and stormproof Ripstop Nylon adaptable bag with internal wet and dry sections is one idea which could also be used for hiking, biking, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, or paddling. Ripstop’s woven fabric has an extra thread in the weave that stops a rip or tear from continuing to travel down or across the fabric. Two adjustable shoulder straps make it usable as a shoulder bag or backpack.
A clean and dry place to sleep
Tents in a variety of styles and sizes fit the needs of any size family. Add cozy and warm sleeping bags, cots, and a tarp, and you’ll be well prepared for any type of weather.
Knives, tools, cords and ropes
These are helpful to chop down small trees and shrubs to make a clearing for your tent and to provide firewood.
For warmth and heating
Emergency space blankets, warming pads, and fire starters are some of the items to include.
General Purpose First Aid Kit
Certified Kits have practical first aid products with single-use packaging that ensures uncontaminated contents for treating injuries. Metal kits are moisture and dust resistant, and there are complete economical refills available for each kit.
Prepared and Secure is an example of a company that is happy to provide the functional and comfortable camping and survival gear that you would need.
There are many examples of “must have” outdoor gear, and we can’t go into all of it, but here are some suggestions when you go to put together your gear for camping or survival or as a “grab bag“ in an emergency.
Bags, duffles, coolers, pouches and holders
Choose from a wide variety that will keep your supplies and fresh food and water dry, wet, cool, hot, and secure until they are needed. One is a lightweight daypack for hiking or day trips.
Aquapac Noatak Wet and Drybag
This coated waterproof and stormproof Ripstop Nylon adaptable bag with internal wet and dry sections is one idea which could also be used for hiking, biking, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, or paddling. Ripstop’s woven fabric has an extra thread in the weave that stops a rip or tear from continuing to travel down or across the fabric. Two adjustable shoulder straps make it usable as a shoulder bag or backpack.
A clean and dry place to sleep
Tents in a variety of styles and sizes fit the needs of any size family. Add cozy and warm sleeping bags, cots, and a tarp, and you’ll be well prepared for any type of weather.
Knives, tools, cords and ropes
These are helpful to chop down small trees and shrubs to make a clearing for your tent and to provide firewood.
For warmth and heating
Emergency space blankets, warming pads, and fire starters are some of the items to include.
General Purpose First Aid Kit
Certified Kits have practical first aid products with single-use packaging that ensures uncontaminated contents for treating injuries. Metal kits are moisture and dust resistant, and there are complete economical refills available for each kit.
Prepared and Secure is an example of a company that is happy to provide the functional and comfortable camping and survival gear that you would need.
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