Must Have Item ~ Food Storage | Prepared For Survival - Food Storage & Preparedness

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Must Have Item ~ Food Storage

These packets of gravy mix and seasonings are a low cost way to add variety to your food storage. You can do just about anything with them. I use the brown gravy ones to season my roast that I slow cook in my crock pot. The country gravy is great for putting over pork chops, country fried steak, and biscuits.  These packets are a frugal person's dream. I usually get them about a $1.00, but sometimes they are on sale 2 for $1.00. Watch for the sales and stock up!! Keeps your food storage from getting boring. These are a great way to season up things and turn a boring meal into something fabulous. The chicken gravy can make instant potatoes taste a lot better!!


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