30+ UsefuL Tips to Survive The Electromagnetic Pulse. Learn Them All, Save Your Electronic Devices, And Be Prepared For Anything!
If you have become aware of the possible occurrence of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and it’s devastating consequences to our planet, you are already ahead of many others. Educating and preparing yourself for an EMP event could be one of the best things you’ll ever do for yourself and your loved ones.
The topic of EMP is often misunderstood. It can be difficult to sort out the true from the false information on this topic.
While it may be understand theoretically that an EMP’s aftermath could create catastrophic events, we can only guess the details relating to the cause and effects. This silent shock wave followed by a surge, and an intense burst of electromagnetic energy caused by a rapid acceleration of charged particles could eliminate the entire power grid, wiping out electronic devises everywhere.
While this topic can be anxiety provoking, if you were to see things objectively, facing fear is the best way to overcome it. With knowledge comes power to overcome adversity.
This book is not designed to to promote conspiracy theories about politics and government, to glamorize doomsday scenarios, or get you to buy into some quack theories or products. Firstly, we will give some basic understanding and background of EMP followed by 30 + practical and useful tips to empower you and your loved ones so that you will be feel prepared to do your part if we are ever faced with such an event.
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