With essential oils you can discover which oils work best when blended together and you can experiment with different ones. Put little drops here and a few there until you get the one that you enjoy and works best for you. Aromas work differently for everyone. Find the one for you.
Now you need to choose which way that you are going to use the essential oils. You have your recipe and you have the oils now you can do one of these:
1. Add 5-6 drops of it to a diffuser or burner.
2. Add 5 -10 drops of oil to your shower or bath.
3. Create your own air freshener by combining the oil to distilled water in an empty spray bottle.
4. Combine 5 - 8 drops of oil to 2 teaspoon of any carrier oil for a massage oil.
5. Use for the fragrance oil in your homemade soaps and candles.
6. Use in vinegar to make an all natural cleaner for your home.
7. Add drops of the oil to cotton balls to make quick fresh aroma burst to an area.
8. Use on terry cloth to make homemade dryer sheets. I cut up a towel into squares and put a few drops of oil on them and store in an old wipe container. I throw in the dryer with the clothes and it works awesome!
9. Add a few drops to your vacuum cleaner filter , while you vacuum it will emit a fresh aroma.
10. Add a few drops to your furnace/central air filter every time you change it.
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