
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cooking With the Sun

Solar box cookers are the be-all and end-all when it comes to harnessing the sun to cook food. They run solely on the sun's rays which makes them the ideal cooking solution for many areas where electricity and fuel aren't options. They're also wonderful for outdoor cooking because they pose little risk of forest fire and are much lighter than hauling fuel around in your backpack.

How Solar Cookers Work

There are actually more than fifty different variations on the solar cooker theme. However, they typically fall into three basic designs or design principles. These include:

* Concentrating sunlight. In this type of device the sunlight is concentrated or focused by some type of reflective metal or a mirror. The heat and energy from the sun then becomes concentrated and much more intense.

* Converting light to heat. In this type of design the solar cooker makes use of heat-absorbing elements, like the color black, to amplify the cooking process. One example would be to coat the inside of the cooker with black paint or to use a black material to collect the sunlight and convert it into heat. If you've ever worn a black shirt on a sunny day, you know how effective this is.

 * Finally, a third type of design traps heat by using a clear device, like a lid, to keep the heat inside and thus to use it to maximize cooking.

Of course, some designs take advantage more than one of these solar cooking elements to really maximize the sun's effects. A solar box cooker is one of the most basic types of solar cookers and can be made at home with few resources or technical skills.

Ingredients for a Solar Box Cooker

If you're going to make a solar box cooker at home (and why not!) then you'll need to collect a few things. They include:

* Two cardboard boxes. One box should be larger than the other and ideally the bigger the better because it's awfully difficult to make much in a children's shoe box. There should also be about ½ inch of space between the two boxes all the way around.

* One sheet of cardboard for the lid. You'll want it to be several inches larger than the top of your largest box. So for example if your box is 10X10 you'd want your cardboard to be around 13x13.

* A roll of aluminum foil.

* Flat-black, non-toxic, spray paint or tempera paint.

* White glue, non-toxic.

* A Reynolds oven cooking bag or a sheet of glass. The oven bags are ideal because they're inexpensive, durable, and easy to find. They're also designed to withstand 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

That's it; that's your supply list. Solar box cooking can be a fun way for your children to learn the amazing powers of the sun and to learn a bit about solar energy. You can also take advantage of this wonderful device and cook outdoors when the weather permits. You'll save energy and have fun in the process.

From Solar Ovens to Solar Heated Water the options in today's energy conscious world are enormous. Discover more about Solar Hot Water Panels []

Build a Survival Safe Home

Build a Survival Safe Home: 30 Amazing Lessons on How to Build Survival Safe Home and Save Yourself from Natural Disasters (Survival Safe Home, survival safe house, survival safe house books) was free at the time of this posting for kindle.

30 Amazing Lessons on How to Build Survival Safe Home and Save Yourself from Natural Disasters

We all know that nothing lasts forever. This also includes our current economy and modern life. A time may come in the future where we don’t have electricity or the other conveniences of life. It’s important that you have a plan for that or a natural disaster. What would you do and where would you go if your current home was demolished due a natural disaster?

In this informative ebook, we discuss some of the best survival safe home plans that can help you survive when SHTF for any reason. Many of the ideas require little more than your sweat equity and some eco-friendly materials.

You’ll learn:

  • How to build a home out of plastic bottles that is almost bullet proof;
  • How to make your own cement so that you can make bricks;
  • How to build a home out of cordwood;
  • How to collect rain water;

And other important tips. You’ll also learn how to build immediate shelters that can get you out of the elements and keep you safe. Additionally, we will discuss some of the things that you need to know about protecting your new homestead. But we didn’t stop there. We will also tell you how to make your own solar panel and how to make a smoker for your food.

Survival 101 Box Set: 25 Tools Every Survival Kit Should Have and 33 Tips on How to Construct a Safe Home and Survive in the Wilderness. Prepare Yourself ... out bag essentials, survival safe house)

Survival 101 Box Set: 25 Tools Every Survival Kit Should Have and 33 Tips on How to Construct a Safe Home and Survive in the Wilderness. Prepare Yourself ... out bag essentials, survival safe house) was a free book for the kindle when this was posted.

Survival 101 Box Set (FREE Bonus Included)

BOOK #1: Bug Out Bag: 25 Tools Every Survival Kit Should Have

This well searched book is based on the notion of “importance of survival tools within the survival kit”. It’s a so rot preparation to handle and tackle the survival situations with ease. This book contains a good set of 25 survival tools that ought to present in a good survival kit. The major working, function and elaborations of the survival tools have been described in this book.

The major notions covered in this astounding book embrace:

  • 3 W’s to solve for selecting survival tools
  • Bug out bag – 25 mandatory tools every survival kit should have
  • Why to keep survival tools in survival kit
  • Tools with survival priority within the survival kit

BOOK #2: Build a Survival Safe Home: 33 Tips on How to Construct a Safe Home and Survive in the Wilderness

Whenever it comes to wilderness, the homeless and helpless situation appears in your mind. Wilderness can be in the snow or forest but how can you cope up with the hazardous dangers of that particular location? How can you find shelter? Do you’ve any ways to construct the temporary home? All the answers of these queries will be disclosed in this book. You should be prepared for confronting any situation of life, regardless either it is about the financial constraints or dealing with wilderness. This book will be the basic tool for all the individuals because it is equipped with the effective measures as well as the basic guidelines for either implanting the survival shelters or facing the wilderness along with the fascinating extra tips at the end of each chapter

Some highlighted aspects of this eBook are:

  • A brief introduction about the survival safe home
  • Things to be considered before constructing the survival safe home
  • The basic guidelines of the survival safe home
  • 33 tips on constructing the survival shelters
  • Measures of surviving in the wilderness

BOOK #3: Survival 101: Prepare Yourself and Your Family to Survive Natural Disasters

This book outlines the basic steps to be prepared for surviving natural disasters. It instructs you of how to act when the disaster hits in order to ensure your family’s safety throughout the duration, and it teaches you what to do in the aftermath of the disaster.

You will be guided through these instructions for the four most common, and most destructive, natural disasters:

  • Earthquakes
  • Tsunamis
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Great Use For Blow Up Pool!

It is that time of year - CAMPING TIME! I just was told about this idea and it is pretty ingenius!

Take a blow up kiddie pool and you can put the kiddos in it with their blankets and it keeps the blankets off the ground when they are playing outside. Especially a great idea for babies and toddlers. Easy to store up, takes up little room, and is a safe place for playing. Much easier to carry around with you than a playpen.

 Great for older kids, or you, to lay out at night and star watch.

Nepal Earthquake Kills Hundreds and Levels Buildings in Capital - Disaster Preparedness - Earthquakes

Nepal Earthquake Kills Hundreds and Levels Buildings in Capital -

Disaster Preparedness - Earthquakes


In the event of an earthquake, there is no better way to avoid
injury and death than preparing the home and knowing what damage
earthquakes cause and how they do it. Every year, thousands of people
die as a direct result of earthquakes--but not necessarily because of
the movement of the ground beneath them. In fact, these sorts of deaths
are quite rare.

It is more common to die because of a lack of
preparation: people don't know where the safest place to be is during an
earthquake, the community isn't prepared, the buildings aren't safe, or
there isn't any good food or water to support communities after the
earthquake takes out electricity and makes it unsafe to go outside
looking for food.

Knowing all the facts about earthquakes and all
the recommendations by experts will not only help save lives; it can
protect homes and businesses, result in fewer injuries, and lessen the
number of people the government and emergency rescuers will have to

First, people should understand that earthquakes come with
little and often no warning. Seismic activity is difficult to detect
until it is actually on the surface, causing damage. People will often
get no warning at all, except for the standard declaration to be
prepared for an earthquake, particularly if people live near a fault
line, or in an area with a lot of seismic activity.

States like
California, Alaska, and Hawaii are of course notorious for their
earthquakes. But lesser known states like Nevada, Washington, and even
Utah and Oregon are in the list of the top ten states for seismic
activity. Basically, those who live in the western U.S. are more likely
to be affected by seismic activity than those further east. (Though
there are a few exceptions--check to see the seismic activity
of each state.)

And since an earthquake can and will strike
anywhere and at any time (there's no such thing as an earthquake
season), people need to prepared themselves as soon as possible.

previously stated, the first thing people should do is prepare
themselves and their homes. First, check for hazards around the home.
These can include light fixtures not braced to the ceiling and walls,
cracks in the foundation or ceiling, large, heavy, or breakable objects
on high, uncovered shelves, or pictures and mirrors near furniture,
among others.

Be sure to fix these things before an earthquake actually occurs, or there could be serious damage and even injury done.

identify safe places around the home and develop a plan for everyone in
the household. The safest place to be is indoors, under steady
furniture (like a table or desk) or against an inside wall, and away
from glass. People who are outdoors when an earthquake occurs should do
their best to get away from buildings and into an open area.

there, they should stay there until they have been told by officials
that it is safe to move. The whole household should understand what to
do once they have found their safe places in which to wait out the
earthquake. Just like in a fire, where the life-saving mantra is "Stop,
Drop, and Roll," for an earthquake, it's: "Drop, Cover, and Hold On."

being separated during an earthquake is a very real possibility, with
parents at work, and children out and about at school and friends'
houses. That's why everyone in the household should be aware of a
meeting place in the neighborhood where everyone will reunite after the

It's also a good idea to establish an out-of-state
contact for the family to communicate with, since people nearby may not
have any communication devices that work. Finally, just as schools
practice earthquake drills to prepare their students for the disaster,
families should have these every six months or so, just to keep
everyone's memory fresh.

Once a plan has been set, next it is
important to have a kit of emergency supplies. This is crucial in any
emergency, but in an earthquake, where roads and communications could be
destroyed for as long as several weeks, it is vital that people are

It may not even be safe to go outside because of power lines, gas mains, and other dangerous services

Each emergency kit should have a first aid kit
[], complete with
medications (both prescription and over-the-counter items for pain and
cleaning wounds), bandages, and other essentials.

These essentials
include things like scissors, thermometers, splinting materials, and
many others. A standard first aid kit should have all of these things,
so people won't have to worry about where to find and store all of it.

also recommend that people have a survival kit for their home and
automobile. These kits would include things like tools and supplies,
sleeping materials, alternative shelter, and light and communication.

automobile kit includes these things, plus important auto supplies like
jumper cables, ropes for towing, and a map and compass, among others.
Basically, it is important to plan for any possibility since earthquakes
are unpredictable and sometimes causes damage that no one could have

In the case of becoming trapped, it is also crucial to
have some food stored as well as some water. If the earthquake is large
enough, FEMA and other emergency organizations will not be able to free
all the survivors in a few days.

People may have to become more
self-reliant if they want to survive an earthquake. Experts recommend
having at least two weeks' work of nonperishable food and water stored
if they want to be prepared for any possible emergency.

someone is prepared for an earthquake, the actual event is much less
terrifying than it could be. When indoors, people should remember to
Drop, Cover, and Hold on to any secure, sturdy object. Stay away from
glass, windows, elevators, and light fixtures.

Do not attempt to
go outdoors until well after the shaking has stopped, since most
earthquake-related deaths are a result of falling debris from buildings.
When outdoors, get away from buildings as soon as possible, as well as
any power lines, street lights, or other monuments that could cause
damage. Stay in the open and do not try to enter a building until
authorities say that it is secure.

If someone is in a car when the
earthquake occurs, they should pull over as soon as safety permits and
stay there. Exiting the vehicle will only result in greater injury.
Don't stop under or near buildings, overpasses, or things like trees or
power lines. And finally, if someone does become trapped under debris,
they should stay calm. Blow a whistle if possible, but do not light a
match to get rescuers' attention.

That can result in a fire if
there are any dangerous spilled chemicals; and if there is that much
debris, chances are good that there will be. The person trapped should
cover their mouth and nose with a piece of cloth to limit the amount of
dust they breathe in, and they should tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers
can find them.

After the shaking stops, first check oneself and
those nearby for any injuries. If someone is seriously injured, don't
move them unless they are in danger of being injured further. Do give
first aid whenever possible. Next, check the house or other buildings
for damage. Put out fires and turn off the gas if anything smells
strange or if there is a hissing sound.

Finally, everyone should
expect aftershocks (every time there is one, be sure to repeat the same
drill: Drop, Cover, and Hold On) and be constantly listening to the
radio or some other form of emergency broadcasting so they can know when
the earthquake is officially over and when it is safe to go indoors


Friday, April 17, 2015

Tornado Safety Tips

By taking basic emergency preparedness precautions before a tornado strikes, you can dramatically reduce risk of injury to you or your loved ones.

Understanding the Warnings

Tornado safety begins by listening for National Weather Service advisories. A tornado watch is issued when tornadoes are possible in your area. You need to be attuned to environmental cues:
  • Dark, often greenish sky
  • Wall cloud
  • Large hail
  • Loud roar, similar to a freight train
Implement your Family Communication Plan, and make sure your American Family Safety emergency kit is within reach. Remind all family members where to gather if a tornado is imminent.
A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or picked up by radar. You must immediately seek shelter. Don't wait for twisters to appear or touch down.

Tornado Safety Tips
  • In a home or building, move to a pre-designated shelter, such as a basement.
  • If an underground shelter is unavailable, move to an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor, and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • Get out of automobiles.
  • Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car. Instead, leave it immediately.
  • Mobile homes, even if tied down, offer little protection from tornadoes and should be abandoned.
For more information on tornadoes and tornado safety, please visit the American Family Safety Emergency Preparedness Library, which contains numerous resources to help you and your loved ones in the event of an unexpected emergency situation.

American Family Safety is an international corporation that distributes emergency supplies and emergency preparedness education materials. American Family Safety’s emergency kits contain all the materials needed for complete 72-hour emergency preparedness.

The SHTF Stockpile: Uncommon Items You Never Thought About That Will Save Your Life (The SHTF Stockpile, prepper stockpile, Survival)

The SHTF Stockpile: Uncommon Items You Never Thought About That Will Save Your Life (The SHTF Stockpile, prepper stockpile, Survival) was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

Uncommon Items You Never Thought About That Will Save Your Life

It may not hit the fan today, it may not hit the fan tomorrow, but one day, it will. And when it hits the fan, are you ready? Or will it spray all over you?

This book will tell you all you need to know when it comes to it hitting the fan. Whether it’s a financial crisis, a food shortage, an oil shortage, or the takeover by the government, you need to be prepared. In the worst-case scenario, there are plenty of ordinary items that you can use that will determine if you make it or not. You’ll learn how to survive in the wilderness, how to stay rich during economic troubles, and how to get out of there! So when it hits the fan, you’ll be ready, and get through all the ordeals while others will not.

You may think there’s nothing to worry about, but this world is on the verge of some crisis. And when it happens, will you be ready?

With The SHTF Stockpile, you’ll learn about:

  • All the dangers you may face
  • Items You’ll Need in the Wilderness
  • Items for Surviving a Snowed-in Car
  • SHTF Tips and Tricks
  • Preparing for the Rest

How We Built A Low Cost Tornado Shelter

How We Built A Low Cost Tornado Shelter was a free kindle book when this was posted.

 With the weather getting really crazy we needed a tornado shelter. We didn't have a lot of money to build one. After lots of research we decided to build an earthbag tornado shelter. This book describes how we built it with lots of pictures showing the process from the beginning to the end. It tells about where we located the tornado shelter, how we constructed the site, and how we laid the bags. It also tells about the ventilation system we used for lots of fresh air inside the shelter.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Prepper's Guide To Grid Down Disaster Survival: How To Prepare For Surviving A Gas, Water, Or Electricity Grid Collapse

The Prepper's Guide To Grid Down Disaster Survival: How To Prepare For Surviving A Gas, Water, Or Electricity Grid Collapse was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

 Every time you turn on the news or get on the internet, you are bombarded with images of one disaster or another. Sometimes it is a tornado, hurricane or earthquake and other times, it is civil unrest that is wreaking havoc. Then there are the terrorists that are always working hard to make this world an unpleasant and uncertain place to live. With so much strife in the world, it only makes sense you would take action to prepare for the inevitable to strike your little corner of the world. Most people always assume it will never happen to them or where they live. Living in a bubble or burying your head in the sand isn't going to help matters when disaster does strike. We have seen the evidence mounting over the past couple of years. Our electricity grids are vulnerable. We could very well find ourselves living in a very dark world. Could you survive? Do you know how to find clean drinking water after the grid fails and your tap no longer gives you what you need to survive? How can you make the water from your local river safe to drink? These are all things you need to consider today. You must be prepared to find food and water and deal with sanitation issues that will arise if the power grid is knocked out for a few weeks or a few long months or even longer. Things will be very different as the community adjusts to life without power, water or gas. Some people will thrive and others will be forced to fight for every moment of life. Do what you can to be a part of the first group and use this book to help yourself prepare for a downed power grid. You owe it to yourself and your family to spend some time putting things away that will ultimately save your life.

How To Build Your Solar System In 4 Hours Or Less: A Step By Step Guide To Setting Up Your Solar Power System For Home Or Business Use Written For Beginners

How To Build Your Solar System In 4 Hours Or Less: A Step By Step Guide To Setting Up Your Solar Power System For Home Or Business Use Written For Beginners was a free book for the kindle at the time of this posting.

 Find out how to build your solar power system while saving thousands of dollars in installation costs. This guide will walk you through the whole process. The guide is written in an easy to understand manner with little to no technical knowledge required, perfect for absolute beginners.

Rabbit Hunting Made Simple: 21 Steps to Rabbit Hunting Success

Rabbit Hunting Made Simple: 21 Steps to Rabbit Hunting Success was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

LEARN:: How to Successfully Hunt Rabbits Even If You Have No Rabbit Hunting Experience

Do you want to hunt Rabbits but are frustrated with your lack of success?  We have all been there.  We have spent hundreds of dollars on hunting supplies and hours driving, walking through the woods but then not finding any rabbits or missing the shot at the Rabbit.  That is the experience of many beginning rabbit hunters. Whether you are new to rabbit hunting or you have been rabbit hunting without much success, “Rabbit Hunting Made Simple” can get you bagging more rabbits.

We would all like to shoot more rabbits. The trick is to know how to find the rabbits, when to hunt, how to scout and how to get permission to hunt private land. “Rabbit Hunting Made Simple” can help you do this.

TAKE ACTION:: Focus on These 21 Simple Steps and Get Rabbit Hunting Results

It's easy to learn the basics of effective rabbit hunting.  The hard part is finding all of the resources in one place to do this. As you know, the internet is full of books and videos that talk about rabbit hunting. The problem? Most don't talk about the specific actions or provide illustrated hunting instructions needed to achieve rabbit hunting success.

In the book, "Rabbit Hunting Made Simple", you'll get a twenty one-step plan for achieving your rabbit hunting goals. Unlike other titles, this book will teach you step-by-step on how to effectively hunt rabbits with no step missed.

DOWNLOAD:: Rabbit Hunting Made Simple -- 21 Steps to Rabbit Hunting Success

"Rabbit Hunting Made Simple" contains step by step instructions for your Rabbit hunting success. You will learn how to:

  • Get Hunting Equipment Cheap

  • Clothing

  • Weapon Types

  • What Else to Bring Hunting

  • Time of Day to Hunt

  • Where to Hunt

  • How to Get Permission to Hunt Private Land

  • “Still Hunting”

  • Rabbit Attracting Techniques

  • Shooting Strategies

  • And many more rabbit hunting topics…

Rabbit hunting doesn't have to be difficult. You can achieve rabbit hunting success by following the techniques of successful hunters. And "Rabbit Hunting Made Simple" can help you do this.

Shipping Container Home. Great Design and Construction Ideas On How To Build A Shipping Container House And Live In!

Shipping Container Home. Great Design and Construction Ideas On How To Build A Shipping Container House And Live In!: (tiny house living, shipping container, ... construction, shipping container designs) was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

Shipping Container Home

Great Design and Construction Ideas On How To Build A Shipping Container House And Live In!

Have you seen the latest craze when it comes to building a home?

They’re known as shipping container homes, and they’re very economical as well as environmentally friendly when they’re constructed right! Whether you’re a handy person who is confident they can build their own home, or you’re someone who is going to need contractors, you can design, plan, and build your very own shipping container home using the information found in this book!

Shipping container homes are built out of, you guess it, shipping containers! There are many different sized shipping containers, and different qualities, too. So be sure to do your research on which ones you ought to use and figure out what size you would like your home to be before you get started.

You’ll find information on:

  • The history of shipping containers.

  • How to find a shipping container to use.

  • How to design the shipping container home.

  • How to plan out the design of the shipping container home.

  • How to build the shipping container home.

  • And much more!

Soap Making Box Set: A Beginners Guides for Home Making Delux Natural Soaps from Scratch

Soap Making Box Set: A Beginners Guides for Home Making Delux Natural Soaps from Scratch (Soap Making, soap making books, soap making natural) was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

BOOK #1: Soap Making: A Beginners Guide for Home Making Delux Natural Soaps

Making soap is similar to cooking, find a recipe and use only the best ingredients. Making healthy, natural soaps, is a craft, one that we will show you in this book. This is a beginner’s guide, no experience necessary, we will provide you with knowledge. Learn about the tools of the trade, that you will need to start making your own soap. We will show you how to make soap bars, and liquid soaps. Learn how to add scents, colours and exfoliates to make your deluxe and natural soaps. Become a fully fledged soap maker and make premium soaps, using only the finest, natural ingredients. Not only is it amazing to be using your own home made soap, but it makes an incredible present for friends and family. But, be aware, there is an element of excitement to this hobby, plus an element of danger in the ingredients. Curious? Well, read on and learn.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Tools of the Trade: We explain exactly what you will need, and the importance of labeling
  • Techniques of Soap Making: In this section we show you the varying ways that you can use to create your very first batch of soap
  • Recipes: Now you have known how we provide you with some ideas for ingredients
  • Colours, Scents and Exfoliates: Personalize your hand made soaps.

Finishing off with an alternative type of soap other than a solid bar, we show you how to make liquid soap, so the choice is yours.

BOOK #2: Soap Making: A Beginners Guide for Making Handmade Soaps from Scratch

This book was written and designed for those that have heard about soap making or seen it on television and want to give it a try. You may have even seen a kit or two at the local hobby store and didn’t want to pay the high cost. Now you don’t have to, we have put it all together for you right here.
Many people have different ways that they think is best when it comes to making handmade soaps and we are going to discuss a few of them. This book is designed to teach beginner level soap making so don’t worry that we will be getting too technical. We want our readers to feel comfortable enough to get started as soon as they finish the book; not feel like they need another book to explain this book.
In order to fully enjoy a craft one must understand it to the fullest otherwise feelings of frustration and failure set in and crafts get forgotten about. This book will help you to get started and is guaranteed to light a fire that makes you want to learn more and make more soaps.

We will be touching on the following topics along with great instructions for different soaps:

  • History of soap making
  • Basic supplies for soap making
  • Different methods of soap making
  • Health benefits of handmade soap
  • Handmade soap recipes

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Ultimate Survival Manual: Learn 20 Basic Skills That Can Save You in Dangerous Situations (The Ultimate Survival Manual, survival books, survival)

The Ultimate Survival Manual: Learn 20 Basic Skills That Can Save You in Dangerous Situations (The Ultimate Survival Manual, survival books, survival) was a free kindle book at the time of this posting.

 Have you ever worried what you would do when faced with a dangerous situation? Can you imagine facing a danger so severe that your life will depend on what skills you have? Well, this book is designed to give you as much information and 20 basic skills to increase your chances of survival during a number of different disasters.

Disaster and danger can strike at any moment, and most of the time, without warning. Having the knowledge to know what you can do to stay safe is priceless. Do you know what you can do to survive an avalanche? Or a shark attack? Could you get your family to safety in the event of a volcanic eruption?

If you answered no, then this book is what you need. Learn about the many different catastrophic events that you one day may face. Discover the mechanisms of each natural disaster and how that effects your survival. Develop and practice the skills outlined within these pages. There is even a section on what to do when faced with a gunman, which is one of the biggest fears of the majority of the population. Learn what you can do to help you and your loved ones survive a disaster.

Topics include:

  • Tornado Survival
  • Tsunami – Before and During
  • Volcano Eruption
  • Flooding and River Crossings
  • Lost in the wilderness
  • Abandon ship
  • Shark attack and Bear Attack
  • Lightning strikes

Warning Signs Of Sinkholes

I actually have nightmares of sinkholes opening up all around. To make matters worse we live in southern Indiana on what is called a Karst plain. Prone to sinkholes. We can drive out in the country and see many of them. It is scary.

Here are some signs that a sinkhole might be in your area....

Cracks will begin to form in your homes foundation. You will see the cracks on the outside wall and inside at the doors, windows, and joints. Sometimes your floor will even begin to slope downward. The windows and doors will no longer close right.

Outside you might notice a small circular depression in your yard and water might start to collect there like a pond. Fence post and trees might begin to lean or sink. The grass in your yard might begin to dies in some areas.

If you have a well, the water might start to come out cloudy. You might have noticed higher water bills and more plumbing problems.

These might not mean that a sinkhole is imminent , but they are some things to watch for if you know that you live in a sinkhole prone area.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Prepare For Emergencies With MRE Meals

There are many people who would like to prepare for emergencies so that when disaster strikes they are ready for it. There are many calamities happening all over the world and they are worried that their area might be the next one to be hit. They are well aware with what happened to the homes of people who have been hit by Hurricane Katrina and they want to be ready in case something as tremendous as that happens again.

MREs (meals ready to eat) are bought in emergency supply stores and can be purchased by civilians. There are military MRE meals that are reserved for soldiers and only they are entitled to eat the food. They are being rationed from different places so that they can have something to eat in a battle. The caloric equivalent of military MRE meals is higher by 200 to 300 calories compared to civilian MRE meals. Soldiers need a lot of energy to endure the training and the things they have to do in a battle which is why they are given a lot of caloric intake compared to the civilian version.

You can prepare for any emergency that may come your way as long as you have the right information in your hand. You can research on the Internet. You will be able to find different websites that caters to the need of people who are looking for information regarding emergency situations. The websites will be able to help you with different types of emergencies such as fire, earthquake, flood, hurricane etc.

You can never go wrong with the right preparation when it comes to emergency situations. In order to be efficiently prepared, you must tell all the people living in the house the things that they must do in case of emergencies. You must prepare a drill so that they know which door is the best way out of the house. If there is an emergency evacuation ordered by the government then they should know what to bring and it should be prepared beforehand to avoid any delay in case true emergency arise.

It is not hard to be in control of an emergency situation as long as you have MRE meals in your house and the right information to get you through the day. You must know how to research for such information and the things that you need to bring to the evacuation centers are all prepared.
If you want to buy Emergency MREs, visit the Military MRE Store.