
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (Survival, Survival handbook, Kids survival)

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (Survival, Survival handbook, Kids survival) was free for the kindle when this post was written.

Survival Handbook Box Set: Complete Handbook to Prepare Your Kids and Family for Wilderness Survival (FREE Bonus Included)

BOOK #1: Survival Handbook: Basics for Family Preparedness in a Case of Disaster

This book is a true guide about how to protect your family in the bitter instances of disaster. Well researched and based on the technical ideas and tips regarding how to avoid the dangers of disaster. It is schemed tremendously on the step-wise ideas that how you can handle the situations and how you can keep all & all of your family members safe and secured. Whether it’s your disabled sister or it’s an elderly of your home with a weakened gaze, this book enchantingly facilitate you how you can protect all from the hazardous impacts of catastrophes.
This book is written in a simple language with no jargon words. Any common man can get a real guidance from this book. The bullets are added and the tables are inserted in this book to convey the to-the-point ideas and notions to the readers. This immersive book is covering all the perspectives of disaster, the possibilities of dangers and the wondrous coping strategies.
This notorious book is an excellent motive for the people of weakened hearts who think “disaster as a ruining power”. The core themes inside this book are enough for breaking the irrational beliefs of people that thinks “beings can do nothing in front of disasters”. You can get a maximum potential with enlightening hopes and with utmost chances of success against the negative respective of disasters.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:

  • Family preparedness in case of disaster – Why it is mandatory
  • How to avoid bad impacts of disaster on your family’s career
  • A guide about disaster kits
  • 3 basic steps to prepare family disaster plan
  • How to train children in family preparedness in case of disaster
  • What to do for handicapped members in case of disaster
  • Seven

BOOK #2: Survival 101: Complete Handbook to Help You Prepare Your Kids for Wilderness Survival

Survival 101: Complete Handbook to Help You Prepare Your Kids for Wilderness Survival is a book that every parent or guardian will want to have on hand for children who regularly go on hikes and/or camping trips. It is a preventative sourcebook meant to enhance outdoor experience and not to create any fear of it. Be sure to share it with friends, family, and neighbors with offspring. It will also serve as an emergency guide for kids who find themselves in adverse situations. You never know when and where the information will become relevant to your child, and it is advised to read it now and train young ones well ahead of time.

The book contains information on:

  • Typical survival situations
  • How to build a campfire
  • Shelter, food, and water
  • First Aid
  • Developing confidence
  • Proper behavior when away from home

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste was a free book for the Kindle when this post was written.

 DIY Ideas At Home - Make Best Out Of Waste

Here in this book I am going to share with all some creative ideas on how to use old and waste material in your house. You will be amazed to know that you can make useful and creative items from those materials at your home only. I myself tried these ideas and get praised by family and friends. So, I thought to share it with you all. I have made different sections in the book, so that it becomes simple for you. So, before throwing any item from your house, first go through this book, might be you get some idea to re-use that item.
˃˃˃ Why To Grab This Book??

With old and waste items in house, you can make flowers, wreath, show pieces, decorative items and many others ornaments for decorating your house. You can even make very creative and unique items for home like frames, cards, toys, wall hangings from those items. So, don’t threw them, they could be used for decorating your home. Here, in this book I am sharing with you interesting things you can do with old items in your house. Have a look at them.

These creative items you can make from old plastic bottles, old tyres, waste CD's, etc. The best thing is that all the ideas which I shared in this book requires, waste material, scissors, pliers, glue, adhesive, colors, paint brush, and decorative items. So, buy this book and star recycling your waste materials.

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival: The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living (Off The Grid Living, Prepping For Beginners, SHTF Survival)

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival: The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living (Off The Grid Living, Prepping For Beginners, SHTF Survival) was a free kindle book when this post was written.

The Prepper's Guide To Off the Grid Survival

The Complete Survival Guide To A Self Sufficient, Stress-Free, Off The Grid Living

There has been a steady retreat in recent years back to a simpler way of living – the old ‘Back To Land’ movement has found fresh stream in the wake of recent economic and ecological upheaval, prompting many individuals, both young and old, to think about alternative methods of sustenance.

By ‘off-the-grid’ we’re talking about independence and self-sustainability, both locally and communally, in all aspects of day-to-day life from preparing dinner to catching your own food to building a garden to washing clothes to making your own alcohol.

For many, the idea of abandoning amenities in favor of the freedom to live according to one’s own vocation can be a bit scary – but for those willing to learn and challenge themselves, the advantages and overall sense of well-being that comes from being truly independent is beyond the scope of words or dollar signs.

This book covers a number of key factors and steps involved in redesigning modern lifestyles according to these ‘off-the-grid’ principles in order to maximize the usage of pre-existing materials without compromising ecological awareness, or relying on external forms of supplementation.

Here is a preview of what you'll learn:

  • Natural food preservation and canning methods
  • Quintessential survival items for off-the-grid living
  • Handy DIY tips and projects
  • Alternative energy sources and application

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wild Forage Cookbook: Wild Game Recipes, Wood Oven Cooking, Garden And Outdoor Adventure!

Wild Forage Cookbook: Wild Game Recipes, Wood Oven Cooking, Garden and Outdoor Adventure! (Volume 1) was a free kindle book when this post was written.

 Anthony Nelson is the publisher of the popular Wild Forage Blog. He started the blog to help demystify the practice of foraging for your own food.

The Wild Forage Cookbook is a compilation of some of the best recipes from his 2014 blog. Anthony is not a professional chef with a degree form a fancy culinary school. He is a home taught cook that loves to experiment with wild game, fresh fish and organically grown vegetables. Anthony will show you how to take these natural ingredients and create delicious meals.

This book contains thirty-four mouthwatering recipes. The preparation of each recipe is explained in detail with pictures to help you through the cooking process. The Wild Forage Cookbook is unique in the fact that it contains more than just recipes. The book includes favorite stories from the field as Anthony fished, hunted, foraged, gardened and learned how to cook using a wood fired oven.

Wild forage is a cookbook that keeps you well fed with both delicious recipes and entertaining tales from the field. After reading the Wild Forage Cookbook, you will feel confident in your abilities to gather wild foods and make a delicious meal!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

How To Survive Anything. 35 Outstanding Prepper's Hacks To Build A Bunker

How To Survive Anything. 35 Outstanding Prepper's Hacks To Build A Bunker: (survival guide, survival shelter, how to survive the end of the world as we ... handbook, how to survive anything, Book 1) was a free kindle book when this post was written.

How To Survive Anything.

35 Outstanding Prepper's Hacks To Build A Bunker

This book offers you 35 great tips and suggestions on how to build and equip a bunker to survive a disaster.

This is not something we like to think about but the truth of the matter is the world is having more natural and man made disasters occurring now than ever before. So we must start thinking that there is a chance that a disaster could occur in the area that we live. It is certainly better to be prepared for the worst than not prepared at all. This book will help to give you important and perhaps even life saving suggestions that you can make use of to help save the lives of you and your loved ones.

The situations we will cover together are

• Building Your Bunker

• Location of Your Shelter

• Bunker Designs

• Bunker Building Continued

• Survival Plans

• Things to Consider when Building a Shelter. 

Free Camping

Free Camping , sometimes called Bookdocking, is a great way to go. You can easily find places all over that allow it. Great way to save money and travel. has a database that you can search to find some free camping sites.

The Common Sense Approach To Boondocking Safety
I truly believe that everything in life, even sitting in a chair and breathing, involves some element of risk. Each of us decides for ourselves every day what risks we are willing to take. If your risk tolerance is exceptionally low, you're not likely to be travelling at all or reading this website.
When it comes to quieting our fears, nothing's more effective than knowledge and experience.
From 8 years of boondocking experience, here are my common sense conclusions, insights and boondocking safety advice.
  • When it comes to robberies, statistically, I am much more likely to be a victim in my house than in my RV.
  • Setting up camp down a dirt road on public land makes me no more a target for a thief than anyone who builds a home or cottage on a country road in a remote area
  • My RV is much less appealing to a thief than a permanent residence in that I don't have the same amount of valuable removable furniture or fixtures that can easily be converted to cash.
  • I'm often only camped in one location for a day or two...not enough time for a thief to scope the place out and get to know my routines.
  • Although the majority of RVers are honest nice people, even if we're camped in a "secured" campground or an LTVA area with other RVers all around us it doesn't mean there isn't a thief amongst us or that we're safe from a break-in or robbery
  • I admit that, like many people, at home, I don't know some of my closest neighbors and I have very little time or interest in seeing who comes in and out of their yard. Most RVers will agree that when we're traveling we're much more likely to get to know and keep an eye on our neighbor's property than when we're at home.
  • In most boondocking areas, the common courtesy is to leave space, a few hundred yards minimum between campers. In campgrounds, where units are closer, if someone (a stranger) is walking towards or around the immediate area of your unit, it may not be as obvious or noticeable.
  • We use common sense when selecting a place to stop. When it comes to boondocking safety we trust our intuition and drive on if the environment doesn't "feel" safe.
  • The further from civilization, the more safe it feels to be camped where we're totally alone.
  • There's safety in numbers. This holds true for boondocking safety. Especially when we're closer to urban areas, we want others, RVers, truckers etc. within view.
  • Most thieves are lazy. That's why the majority of RV break-ins occur within easy access of the cities where most thieves hang out. We avoid boondocking when we're within a short drive of the biggest cities.
  • Most thieves don't want to deal with any type of struggle so the easiest time to steal our possessions is when we're not in the RV. As with any parked vehicle, we don't leave cash in the RV and keep valuables out of sight.
  • Because we're inside our motorhome at night, our RV is much more likely to be a target in the daytime or evening while we 're parked for shopping, dining out, or going to a show in any urban location than when we're camped in an out-of-the way boondocking site.
  • In parking lots, truck stops or road side areas, don't look for the darkest concealed corner. Instead park in the light, and use black-out curtains or eye-wear that block the light while you sleep.
  • No matter where you are parked, if trouble does come to find you, driving away your vehicle can be your best defence.
  • Park so that you can leave by driving forward. If you need to leave in a hurry, you don't want to have to back up, or do more manoevering than necessary.
  • Keep your vehicle in the best possible operating condition.
  • Believe it or not, the only boondocking safety concern isn't burglers. No matter where you're camped, in case of a medical emergency, be sure you have enough fuel to make it to the nearest hospital or all night gas station in the middle of the night.
  • Don't be paranoid. Just cautious.
  • When you're in a community of RVs, even in a gated pay campground, make a point of getting acquainted with your neighbors before you leave your RV unattended for the day.
  • In small towns, if there's no signage to the contrary, ask at the grocery store or gas station or even ask the local police about using the town park or a parking lot to "spend the night". If you get a positive response, you'll have the added security of them knowing you're there and watching out for you.
  • Always be attentive to your surroundings.
Marianne Edwards is the author of the Frugal Shunpiker's Guides to the Southwest. She has been boondocking safely for more than 8 years. Learn how to find great boondocking locations on her website

Friday, March 20, 2015

Camping Essentials

We are already talking about going camping this summer. Already planning for it. Here is a list of the items that we will need for camping.


1. First Aid Kit

2.Fire Proof Matches



5.Peanut Butter

6.Headlamp, Flashlight, or a Lantern

7.Compass and maps

8. Alternate weather wear - You never know when it might rain or if the weather will change. Better safe !

9.Pocket Knife


11.Sleeping Bag

12. BackPack

13. Different types of camping cookware

14. Sunscreen

15. Bug Spray

16. Other things that will make you camping trip more enjoyable and comfortable. Think about what your family would need. Kids etc. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Conserve Water - Tips and Tricks

I bet you have heard it many times - save water... save the planet... But do we really do it? Well, this time I am determined. I will change my habits to save the planet (hardly), but to reduce my water footprint and most of all to give a good example to my kid. Who knows, he may save the planet one day. While doing my research, I found the "evergreen" rules for water conservation, but also came across some great ideas and tricks on how to conserve water easily. See what I have found and how we can save money by going green. If you have other water saving tips, be welcome to share them here.
How to Conserve Water (Beginners' Level)
Here are those tips and tricks on how to conserve water that are easy to implement. Neither money, nor time investment, nor special preparations are needed. It's just you and your conscious.
  • Take shorter showers. I should confess I used to be a ten-minute-shower-person. I love long and hot showers. They are so relaxing especially after busy or cold days. But let's face it - more than 21% of the household water use comes from the shower. Not to count the fact that water may run unused till we wait for a good to us temperature. Nevertheless, I know I can reduce the minutes under the shower and start relaxing, let's say in a more efficient way.

  • Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth. That's how you can conserve about 2 gallons of water per brushing.

  • Skip a shave. If you still have to shave every day, just don't rinse your razor under a running tap, but fill your basin with little warm water.

  • Do not wash your hair every day. I think this is not only a good how to conserve water tip, it's a good hair maintenance advice too. If you still feel the need to wash your hair every day, why don't you try a different hair cut or style.

  • Run your dishwasher only when it's full. I used to wash my dishes by hand just because I thought I'd use less water. If you are like me, don't fool yourself. A dishwasher will save you about 10 gallons of water per washing and will use less soap too.

  • Fully load your washing machine. It will save you about 3 gallons of water for each wash. A front-loading washing machine is more efficient than a top-loading one.

  • Don't let the tap dripping. Fix leaky sinks and running toilets quickly.

  • "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Have you heard this before? This was one of the fresh how to conserve water tips for me. If you don't feel OK with this, why don't you try implement it during the night? At least you will not wake everybody up when you flush the water.

  • Use the small flush if you have a dual flush toilet. It is sufficient for just about anything, and when it isn't, doing two small flushes is actually better than one big one.
How to Conserve Water (Intermediate Level)
How to conserve water has never been easier, but these water saving tips may require some financial investment. If you are as determined to go green and save money as I am, then they deserve at least your attention.
  • Toilet lid sink. Frankly, this was a real finding for me on how to conserve water in the most practical way. When you wash your hands, water is saved in the tank and is used to flush the toilet next time. It not only saves water, but space too. Note that you can buy only the tank.

  • Install a low-flow shower head and reduce your shower water use by 20 to 60%.

  • Instant Off Water Saver.This is another "precious" how to conserve water trick. Practically, Instant Off controls the water. When you push the rod, water starts. Once the rod is released, water stops. This little water saving device is perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, garage sinks and RVs.

  • Use waterless car wash. So, instead of using 500 gallons of water to wash your car by yourself or 32 gallons at the commercial car wash stations, go for the waterless way and you'll get your car shining like new. Learn more and see products offered at Eco Touch and Freedom.

  • Collect rainwater from your roof's downspout in a rain barrel to irrigate your garden. In Colorado, there is a law that bans rainwater capture...., but anywhere else, this water saving tip may be quite valuable and save lots of gallons of clean water from being spent in watering the garden.

  • How to Conserve Water (Masters' Level)

  • Water recycling - greywater and wastewater reuse systems. This how to conserve water idea is of high difficulty and may require big financial investment. Greywater systems take the water from your shower and kitchen (never from the toilet) and redirect it to watering the garden. Learn more at
Now, knowing how to conserve water, you just need to start doing it. Water and money are both scarce resources. Let's save them thinking of our kids' future.
Nadia Ruseva is a mom, who in the search of some tips to raise her child healthy, found a whole new world of inspiration and ideas about how to be healthy and beautiful inside and out... about how to make a difference.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Efficient Home Hiding Places: The Best Places to Hide Valuables at Home

Efficient Home Hiding Places: The Best Places to Hide Valuables at Home was a free Kindle book when this post was written.

 In this ebook, you will find many useful DIY hacks to hide your cash and valuable possessions - and most of those hiding places are already in your home and you don’t have to spend any extra money to create them. In this book, we will tell you how to find those places in your home and protect your money.

There will be a few things that you will need in order to build a hiding place. You can find the required items easily at a nearby hardware store - nothing will be too expensive. The rest of the items that will require are most likely already within your house.

Friday, March 13, 2015

10 Banned Foods

10 Banned Foods to Avoid

Are you eating "food that's already banned" in other countries but is still allowed to poison and kill Americans? Learn these pernicious ingredients and common foods through this infographic. Use the embed code to share it on your website.

The Prepper's Guide To Off The Grid Survival

The Prepper's Guide To Off The Grid Survival: An Introduction Into Living A Self Sufficient, Stress Free Lifestyle In Financial Peace (Self Sufficiency, Boondocking, Urban Farming, Prepare, Garden) was a free book for the Kindle when this post was written.

The Prepper's Guide To Off The Grid Survival

Have you had enough of working day in day out, paying the rising cost of living and thinking of living off the grid?
Henry Hill’s guide to a off the grid living provides an eye-opening and intuitive insight into the financial and social pressures of today’s society while providing an all-encompassing method to alleviate such demands on your life by what he calls, “Living Off the Grid.” Hill stresses the importance of being in financial peace while maintaining a productive lifestyle.

This book is a guide for everything from household alternatives to public utilities to growing your own produce and raising livestock. This starts as simple as using solar panels to reduce dependence on the power “grid” to providing detailed instructions on how to make ethanol to cook with. Off-the-grid homes are autonomous they do not rely on municipal water supply, sewer, natural gas, electrical power grid, or similar utility services. A true off-grid house is able to operate completely independently of all traditional public utility services. Hill mainly focuses on understanding behind the modern day utilities while also emphasizing on how to manage the things without them.

This vision and mission truly include how to get started in all parts of everyday life and goes on to mature with the audience reading this book. The book literally guides you on how to grow, while growing your own food! Though the goal of this book is financial freedom in the long-term, there are significant amount of start-up costs but options are provided for those that are on the tightest of budgets to begin with.

If you are looking to go “Off the Grid” yourself or are just curious in how this lifestyle is manageable, this is a must-have book to better familiarize yourself with the subject. This eye-opening experience will almost undoubtedly either make you want to follow this lifestyle or change your consumption patterns indefinitely.

With This Book You Will...

  • Learn The Pros And Cons Of Living Off The Grid
  • Learn The Most Viable Alternatives To City Gas, Water And Electricity
  • Learn The Basics Of Growing Your Own Produce
  • Learn The Basics Of Living With Small Livestock
  • Learn Money Management Tips & Bartering
  • Learn How To Deal With Local Laws Concerning Off The Grid Living
  • Much, Much More
The Prepper's Guide To Off The Grid Survival: An Introduction Into Living A Self Sufficient, Stress Free Lifestyle In Financial Peace (Self Sufficiency, Boondocking, Urban Farming, Prepare, Garden) was a free book for the Kindle when this post was written.