Find out if Jimmy will be able to protect his pregnant wife, his eccentric parents and the loyal and committed members of his community, ‘Prepper Central’.
Why you should read Prepper Fiction
Whether you are an avid, long time Prepper or somebody who simply wants to read about survival after an epic disaster, Prepper Fiction will have you on the edge of your seat. You can check your emergency plan for holes, while enjoying the thrills of a story that may become reality for all of us, before we even know it.
If you are new to Prepping then you should also check out my other Prepper Fiction Novel 'Band of Preppers', as well as my non-fiction books that will bring the idea of Disaster Preparedness and stockpiles, much closer. OR, if you are an avid Suspense Reader then check out my new Psychological Suspense Novel 'Presidential Cleaning'.
Presidential Cleaning: A Psychological Suspense Novel
Band of Preppers: A Prepper Fiction Novel
Prepper: Be Prepped: All you need to know about becoming a Prepper
Prepper: The Prepper Hunkering Down Guide: F*** Bugging Out, Bug In! Prepping at Home and Protecting Your Property - Here is how!
Prepping: Prepping, Canning and Food Preservation - The most Efficient Prepper Food Preservation Guide
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