
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"Just-In-Case" Info and Reminders for Winter Survival

We have heard a lot of stories about snow mishaps during winter. We have heard and read about winter survival. We feel and think like we've mastered the dangers in this weather, but accidents are accidents, no matter how careful we may be are inevitable. Unless we are in this situation we really would not know how prepared we actually are. But winter can be fun too. Winter hiking is a popular activity during this weather. So the best thing to do is continuously understand and be aware of all possible situations in a snow mishap.

Here are trinkets of facts that are as important as the winter survival kit that you have packed on any winter trip:

Hypothermia - is a state in which our body can no longer regulate and produce enough heat needed due to a cold stressor. Hypothermia is of most important concern when trapped in a snowy weather and immediate help is not at hand. During extreme cases of hypothermia, a person can experience what is called "paradoxical undressing" in which a person may become disoriented and confused leading to removal of clothes which, in turn, causes for increase in heat loss. Needless to say, hypothermia can cause death.

The Survival Rule of 3s

In an extreme survival situation people cannot survive more than:

• 3 minutes without air

• 3 hours without shelter

• 3 days without water

• 3 weeks without food

• 3 months without hope

In spite of the dangers during winter, camping during this weather is a good source of fun for some especially those adventure seekers. To be on the safe side of it, here are some things you should remember but are often times neglected:

- You can make fire even during winter in almost anywhere. Just keep your lighter and matches away from the cold. You can use dry shredded bark or paper for the fire.

- Do not go into this activity if you are not trained and knowledgeable enough unless you are in the company of experts in winter camping. The cold weather is tough and it is no time to fool around, no room to be too confident or arrogant.

- If you are going away from the campsite and you are alone, remember not to rely on your footprints to guide you on your return. You can't also rely on trail marks they can be lost during a hard snow fall. If you are unfamiliar with the place, then do not go far alone.

- Your car is the lifeline you have in going back to civilization safely. Be careful of your keys.

- Drink enough water. This is sometimes ignored because of the cold weather.

- Bring fatty foods they are a good source of heat.

- It gets dark earlier during winter. Be sure to plan activities accordingly.

So generally, winter can be fun. Do not be wary about winter survival reminders that bombard us during this season. Anyway, as the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Anne Hatch is an enthusiast of bizarre activities and has been enjoying several challenging and exciting adventures in decades. It is through experience that she developed her skills and is exposed to various activities such as treasure hunting, camping, and other challenging outdoor activities. Find out more about winter survival [] and acquire knowledge about remarkable ideas on what to do when hunting for one. Cherry Red Cola offers branded metal detectors, camping bags and accessories with the best selections at the lowest price with the highest point in quality. Visit [] for more ideas.

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