
Friday, October 24, 2014

The Ebola Outbreak: How to Prepare, Protect, Diagnose, Treat, And Survive A Ebola Pandemic

The Ebola Outbreak: How to Prepare, Protect, Diagnose, Treat, And Survive A Ebola Pandemic was a free kindle book when this post was written.

The Ebola Outbreak: How to Prepare, Protect, Diagnose, Treat, And Survive A Ebola Pandemic

Be prepeared!!
They say ignorance is bliss; but not always! There are things that need your
absolute attention. A pandemic is one such thing that calls for your 100%
attention. At the current moment, the world is griped with terror with the
ever increasing death toll of the Ebola Virus outbreak.
What started off about 6 to 8 months ago in Western Africa has now slowly
started making its presence felt in the Western world. There is a sudden
panic and also a lot of uncertainty about this virus. This uncertainty is,
of course, a result of general lack of information on the subject.
This is exactly where this eBook comes in handy. Through the course of
this eBook, we will discuss everything you need to know about the
Ebola Virus, how it started, its history and the current situation that
has terrorised the world. We will also give some advice on how to deal
with a pandemic and keep your family safe in such times.
So, rather than being one of those people who turn a blind eye to a
condition as grave as the Ebola virus pandemic, be the one to take the
time to learn and understand more about it.

  • Prepare
  • Protect
  • Diagnose
  • Treat
  • Survive

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