
Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Prepper's Urban Guide

The Prepper's Urban Guide: Things You Need to Prepare for Disaster in An Urban Environment and More Life Saving Survival Strategies (preppers blueprint, preppers handbook, preppers pocket guide...) was a free book for the kindle when this post was written.

The world has never been a, shall we say, safe place? No matter the era, each generation has faced a series of terrors and nightmare scenarios most foul: disease, pestilence, natural catastrophes so powerful that even the most advanced technological efforts of that generation’s time were rendered utterly moot. And that last scenario? It is still totally applicable to today.
And here we are, in the 21st century, with all the luxuries of modernity for good or ill, but that pesky, nagging yet wonderful old biddy, Mother Nature -- she still holds the upper hand. She’s all powerful and at times it seems, all too willing to show us just how insignificant we really are. Even with our powerful smart phones and spaceships and self-driving cars and super-human robot-esque Google glasses. Yes, even with those nifty little gadgets, it boils down to a simple reality.
We live in her world. And it is her world. In the grand scheme of things, we’re all just pesky house guests that refuse to leave no matter how many hints she drops. And to live in her world requires many a compromise. Evolutionary speaking, we have made compromises down to our very cells in order to retain our residence here. We have spent millennium adapting and changing to suit little else than the selfish perpetuation of our species. And yet, despite all of the natural difficulties we face and as a whole, ultimately survive; we’re still, by and large, an idiotic group of nomadic morons.
Well, it’s your lucky day because despite the odds being ever out of your favor, especially if you live in an urban environment, reading this book will give you the tips and tricks you’ll need to keep yourself alive.

Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Find In This Book:

* The Basics
* Leaving Danger
* Staying in Place
* Know your Variables
* Knowledge is Power
And Much Much More!

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