
Monday, August 11, 2014

YOUR SURVIVAL GUIDE: 14 Ways to Stay Afloat in This Economy

YOUR SURVIVAL GUIDE: 14 Ways to Stay Afloat in This Economy (Self-Help for Those Who are Drowning in Money Problems, Housing Difficulties, Family Struggles) (Self-Help That Works)was a free kindle book at the time of the writing of this post.

If you've got money problems, housing difficulties, family struggles, and find yourself in emotional tumults, you may have noticed that you are not alone. Everyone is touched by this new economic climate; no one is left out, no matter how they appear to be surviving.

What to do about it? How to help yourself and others? How to approach today and tomorrow by giving yourself the best opportunity of doing well is revealed here -- it's a new way of living. Embrace it!

The tools and techniques offered here will give you and yours ways to cope and ways to improve your situation whether it's financial or emotional. It covers every aspect of life. This survival guide offers suggestions on how to make the most of what you have in 2013 and how to improve your circumstances in the future. This survival self-help guide is for a new way of living and is a road map for creating a better world -- one person at a time! Your life and your world will be better in the process.

Sally Huss has been a King Features Syndicated author of the popular "Happy Musings" panel for newspapers for many years in the US and Canada. She has authored over 30 books, focusing on positive attitude in sports, character building in children, and uplifting messages for everyone. Her bright and happy art has appeared on millions of products (even happy baby bibs in Walmart!)

Preface -- "There have been better times, but none better to remind us of what is important." -- Sally Huss
Now is a time of complete misunderstanding.

Step 1 -- How it Appears -- "Life is picture perfect. We just can't see the whole picture." -- Sally Huss
Now is a time of great troubles, and therefore, great change.

Step 2 -- A New View -- "We suffer less by understanding the lessons we are undergoing. School is always in session."
What we need is a new point of view.

Step 3 -- A New Wealth -- "Wealth is an unknown quantity. Anybody can be wealthy with the right point of view." -- Sally Huss
Wealth is usually associated with money.

Step 4 -- A New Strength -- "Harmony never feels better than when you establish it within yourself." -- Sally Huss
How do you gather the strength you need to handle the situations that confront you? Breathe!

Step 5 -- A New Opportunity -- "Life goes on and on, offering opportunities to make it better and better." -- Sally Huss
What are the business opportunities at this time?

Step 6 -- A New Thinking -- "Look up. Brighter times are on the horizon." -- Sally Huss

Step 7 -- A New Conservation -- "The best things in life are free and they are becoming more popular than ever." -- Sally Huss
What do we need to conserve? Everything!

Step 8 -- A New Education -- "Struggles become us when we face them courageously." -- Sally Huss
A new way of living requires new ways of doing things, and in turn, new ways of educating yourself and your children.

Step 9 -- A New Way of Eating -- "When one has little, one is grateful for anything. When one has a lot, one must be grateful for everything." -- Sally Huss
How can we change the way we eat that will help improve our circumstances?

Step 10 -- A New Compassion -- "The growing anxieties in the world must not touch the peacefulness in your heart." -- Sally Huss
What we need at this time is a breath of fresh air, one that gives hope to all who need help.

Step 11 -- A New Forgiveness -- "Forgiveness is always appropriate." -- Sally Huss

Step 12 -- A New Morality -- "In these times, keep your standards high and your expenses low, and you'll continue to sail." -- Sally Huss
Our popular culture has taken us off track.

Step 13 -- A New Happiness -- "Happiness that depends on happenings is short-lived. Happiness that depends on nothing is forever.

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