
Monday, February 10, 2014

I Survived!: 5 Bible Characters Who Survived Disasters

I Survived!: 5 Bible Characters Who Survived Disasters was a free kindle book when this post was written.

 Unfair circumstances can shake our lives and even our faith. The situations themselves are hard enough to deal with, but then we wonder why God allowed them. If he’s in control, why are our lives such a mess? This study looks at the lives of Jeremiah, Jonah, Joseph, Paul and Job and how they survived their personal disasters. It challenges you to think through the “why?” questions and see God in a fresh way. You’ll take another look at failure and refine your definition of it. You’ll catch a glimpse of the invisible when you view ordinary events from God’s perspective. Thinking through these issues can give you fresh purpose in life, hope for the future, and a roadmap to moving past unfairness. This Bible study is designed to be a companion book to Edges of Truth: The Mary Weaver Story, the true story of an innocent woman accused of murdering a baby she cared for. It helps to answer the questions that Mary’s story raises. This 10-week study is designed for group Bible studies or personal reflection. Each chapter gives 5 daily readings from the Bible with comments and questions that can be used as personal devotions.

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