
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cooking In Your Fireplace

If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace in your house than you have a great way to cook if the power ever goes out. It is not hard to do. Just need a few things, like a pie iron or a Dutch Oven, and you are on your way to having a meal while you heat your house.

For cooking with a dutch oven in your fireplace you should have some way to have it hanging over the fire. Sometimes fireplaces have a bar built in them to use for hanging pots. Or you could use a Campfire Tripod easily enough. A roasting fork would be easy to use also, just place a couple of hot dogs on it and hold over the fire. Yummy! Fun for the kids.You could also pop some popcorn over the fire with one of those long handled camping corn poppers.

 A Pie iron is a must. With its long handle it is the best for doing sandwiches in or take apart and use for a skillet. Just use a bit of butter or cooking spray and the stuff won't stick. You can do just about anything in a pie iron. Imagine cooking up some beans in your dutch oven over the fire and then having some corn bread done up in your pie iron! That is a great meal to have done in your fireplace!

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