
Monday, January 13, 2014

Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips for Going Organic on a Budget

Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips for Going Organic on a Budget was a free kindle book when this post was written.

Are you putting your health at risk with toxic pesticides?

Studies show that we can reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals by an astounding 81% just by switching to organic food, but going organic on a budget has always been difficult.

Until Now, that is.

In this easy-to-follow book from AP Award-winning author Nicholas J. Meyer, who's been featured on the top natural health sites in the U.S. including and Natural News, you'll learn:

-What organic foods last the longest (and give you the most value)
-The one simple trick that can save you as much as 67% on organic greens
-Tips for storing, preserving, and maximizing the freshness of organic food
-A rarely-used buying trick that can save you as much as 89% (!) on organic groceries according to one recent university study
-And most importantly, how to save ten times more money than the cost of this book in less than a week!

Are you ready to enjoy the benefits of going organic on a budget?

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