Homesteading, preppers, survival, self-sufficient, preparedness, and tips for becoming more self-sufficient in these trying times. Learn to be able to take care of your family with very little money and tons of ingenuity.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Practical Prepping
,Practical Prepping: Be Ready For Disaster Without Driving Yourself Crazy
Was a free book when this was written. ok Description Publication Date: June 5, 2013 People say that “you can never be too prepared” for a disaster – and while that is true, I do believe there is such a thing as over-preparation. If preparing for a possible disaster in the future significantly impairs your family’s quality of life today, you might need to reassess your priorities.
Living in a constant state of terror and paranoia is not something I am particularly fond of. I’m not one of those people who has built such an incredible fortress for myself that I’m almost giddy about the idea of getting a chance to use it.
If you find that lifestyle appealing, this guide is not for you. But you probably guessed that already from the title.
I believe in practical preparation. Being smart and ready, but also being rational about the risks and rewards involved. In this mini-book I will seek to address some simple steps that everyone should take to stay prepared.
+ Building a "Ready Bag" (a.k.a. "Go" or "Bug Out" Bag) + Creating a Sensible Stockpile + Having a Basic Disaster Preparedness Plan + What if you have Children or Pets? + Prepping on a Tight Budget + BONUS: Canning and Preserving Food
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