Pinto beans, garbanzo, lentils and black, beans of all types are a frugal and nutritious ingredient for any dish.
Beans are low in fat, high in protein and vitamin C. They give you a great big nutritional bang for a little tiny monetary buck. They're also packed with fiber which helps you keep a healthy digestive track.
Unfortunately, they can also sometimes be a little boring. Check out Cooking with Beans for some easy, frugal and very tasty recipes to take the boring out of beans. These family friendly meals will also turn your kids onto the goodness of beans.
Beans are low in fat, high in protein and vitamin C. They give you a great big nutritional bang for a little tiny monetary buck. They're also packed with fiber which helps you keep a healthy digestive track.
Unfortunately, they can also sometimes be a little boring. Check out Cooking with Beans for some easy, frugal and very tasty recipes to take the boring out of beans. These family friendly meals will also turn your kids onto the goodness of beans.
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