
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Staying Cool When Off The Grid or Without Power

Nothing is worse than having the power go out when it is hot. Can't seem to cool off and get comfortable. I happened to go to the thrift store last night. I was bored and out anyway. Had to run to pharmacy. So run in there and just looking up and down the aisles. I love doing this and just seeing what I can find to add to preps. Like kitchen tools etc. Well, I wasn't finding anything and was going to leave when I seen something sitting in a basket - a hand fan! A light bulb went up over my head and I was like yes, this is something to add to my preps that I had never even thought of before. 50 cents later I have the first hand fan in my preps. Fanning yourself could keep you cooled off , especially if you're under a nice, big shade tree!


  1. Hammocks are also cool to sleep in warm humid locales, in the wind downright comfortable. They take some getting used to sleep in all night but its worth it in my opinion. My locale is very hot and humid and I want to catch the wind, even if it is 80 degrees (for the low no less!) when I sleep.

    One of my friends was caught in the Florida 'hurricane frenzy year (2006?) and he was without power for a bit more than 5 weeks. He was grateful for the Spanish tile floor to sleep on, which was hard but was cool as well.

    My wife has a pair of those gel 'sleep cool' mats for the bed. They are cool for around 15 minutes, then warm up but you at least have some time to fall asleep under cool conditions.

  2. those are some great ideas. Thank you for sharing them.
