
Monday, June 10, 2013

Food Storage Recipe - Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

I love easy and cheap cooking more and more. I have gotten so busy that half the time I don't even feel like cooking. This is a quick soup to make and good.  

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

1 package of chicken flavored ramen noodles - you will need the seasoning packet

1 can of cream of chicken soup - a staple in any food storage!!

Diced onion - I use my freeze-dried ones in most recipes.

 sliced carrots - freeze-fried again. I love that stuff! The Ready Store is where I get most of my freeze-dried items from.

sliced celery

Cook up the noodles and drain. Prepare the soup in a saucepan as it states too on the can. Then add the seasoning packet and all of the vegetables. Cook for about 10 minutes or until vegetables are done.Add the noodles and simmer a couple more minutes. This only makes a couple of servings, but you could easily double it or whatever. 

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