
Monday, September 17, 2012

Food Storage Recipe - Homemade Granola

We love granola , but to buy it in out small town is hard to do. For one thing , it is expensive! Have to get a small loan to be able to buy it. LOL and another reason , they only have one style , brand, etc. So I decided to just make my own. It is yummy and I know what is in it.

Homemade Granola

3/4 cup of brown sugar

1/3 cup of vegetable oil

1/3 cup of honey

5 cups of oatmeal - I get mine in bulk from Honeyville Food Products

1/2 cup of raisins - These you add after you are done cooking!

1/2 cup of dried milk

3/4 teaspoon of cinnamon

a pinch of salt

Mix the brown sugar, oil and honey in a saucepan. Heat it through until the sugar is dissolved. Combine all of the dry ingredients in a big cake pan and pour the sugar mixture over the dry mixture and mix together well. Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes. Let this cool in the pan. Store this in a very air tight container. You can also add nuts, wheat germ, coconut, dated, etc into this. Make it anyway that you like it. Easy and cheap to make.

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