
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homeschool Tip - Know Your Weaknesses!

I had wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about homeschooling my little man and wondering if a Homeschool Academy here in town was too expensive. Well, I talked to the lady over it and she said that he could come in last Monday and sit in on some of the classes for his age and see how he likes it and if it would be a fit. He loved it , I think he really likes the other kids more, but , he loved the Literacy Circle class. And - Even though it is expensive , I signed him up for the class. $170.00 for the whole year. I really can admit where I am weak in teaching him and one of the weak spots has been in getting him to sit and try and read and do letters. He is more into numbers. He can fly through adding and subtracting flash cards like there is no tomorrow. But I know that I needed help with him learning his phonics and putting letters together into words. So far with just 2 classes we have seen a huge improvement with him on this front. I have been reading to him at night like I always have and now he can actually put some of the words together and he even read the whole Dr. Suess book Go, Dog, Go to me with only a bit of help on words like night etc. Another plus is that even though I paid for one class, I can take him much earlier and he can do stuff with other kids. Like, yesterday we went an hour early and he did arts and crafts with 5 other little boys. It was fun. So I am glad that I took the time to check the "school" out and I am so glad that I can admit that I needed help with this and he is learning what he needs to know. That way he can be a happy and smart big man!! LOL

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